消除的英文 消除用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-17



eliminate v.消除;根除;排除;排洩;對…不予考慮;把…排除在外;殺死;除掉;淘汰;消去

remove v.去掉;除去;廢除;取消;遠離;隔代的;隔親的;除掉;轉移;調動

dispel v.排解;遣散;消除

clear up 被治癒;清理;收拾;整理;解決(問題);消除(誤會);揭開(謎團);解決(醫學難題);清除(感染);治癒(疾病);痊癒;(天氣)放晴,變晴朗

常用 權威



1. 消除貧困

eliminate poverty; wipe out poverty

2. 消除瑕疵

remove blemishes (from)

3. 消除阻隔

remove the impediments

4. 消除壓力

remove pressure

5. 消除歧見

eliminate differences

6. 消除危險

remove the danger (of)

7. 消除誤解

clear up a misunderstanding

8. 消除煙塵

remove smoke

9. 消除臭氣

kill odour

10. 消除流言

dispel a rumour

11. 消除鬱悶

dispel the gloom

12. 消除爭端

eliminate conflict; differences melt away

13. 消除困難

iron out difficulties

14. 消除積怨

remove piled-up grievances

15. 消除民憤

dispel popular indignation

16. 消除靜電

electrostatic elimination; elimination of static electricity

17. 消除錯覺

dispel sb's misconception

18. 消除嫌怨

lay the enmity to rest

19. 消除心病

be relieved from anxiety

20. 消除怨恨

allay sb's resentment


1. 國有化的威脅目前可能已經消除

The threat of nationalisation may have been seen off for now.

2. 幫助消除他所在地區的階級差異。

Help eliminate class difference in his area.

3. 他們獎勵那些消除食物浪費的企業。

They reward businesses that eliminate food waste.

4. 這體現在他們如何消除社會障礙上。

It is embodied in how they remove social barriers.

5. 消除大量勞工權利問題,如童工問題。

Eliminate a substantial labour-rights concern, such as child labour.

6. 這些措施消除了人們的恐懼。

The measures removed people's fear.

7. 如何消除藝術和科學學科之間的界限。

How boundaries can be removed between arts and science disciplines.

8. 它可以幫助消除未來的干擾。

It can help to eliminate (消除) future interruptions.

9. 提前計劃應該能消除浪費。

Planning ahead should eliminate wastage.

10. 幫助他們消除產品的汙名。

Help remove stigma around their products.



消除(英文:eliminate/remove/dispel),讀音為xiāo chú,漢語詞語。意指除去,使不存在或指猶消遣,消受。例句有“對於那些不良的習慣,在萌芽時就要消除”。近義詞是湮滅、消弭、殲滅,反義詞是建立。



動詞 eliminate; remove; dispel; clear up

1. 雙方應該開誠佈公地談談,這樣日後就不用再去消除隔閡了。

Both parties should be willing to have a frank conversation, it could save everyone from clearing the air later on.

2. 我們的分歧消除了。

Our differences melted away.

3. 透過睡眠消除疲勞

sleep off/away one's fatigue

4. 國際消除貧困日

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

5. 消除噪聲

abate/muffle the noise

6. 消除怨恨

allay sb's resentment

7. 消除隱患

remove/obviate/eliminate a hidden danger

8. 消除眼袋

remove eyebags

9. 消除誤會

iron out misunderstandings; clear up misunderstandings

10. 消除思想上的恐懼

free sb's mind of fears

11. 消除社會差別

level social differences

12. 消除歧視/飢餓

eradicate discrimination/hunger

13. 消除貧困

eliminate poverty; wipe out poverty

14. 消除偏見

banish/dissipate prejudice

15. 消除疲勞

allay tiredness

16. 消除流言

dispel a rumour

17. 消除恐懼

remove/quell sb's fears

18. 消除懷疑/疑慮

remove sb's suspicions/doubts

19. 消除顧慮/煩惱

dispel misgivings/worries

20. 消除隔閡

bridge the gap (between); explain away misunderstanding

21. 消除腐敗

stamp out/clear up corruption

22. 消除分歧

eliminate differences; melt away/iron out/hammer out/smooth over the differences; resolve disagreements

23. 消除對抗

resolve a confrontation

24. 消除錯誤的想法

dispel a false idea

25. 消除不良影響

counteract a bad influence; efface the unfavourable impression; eliminate the bad effect (of)
