強迫的英文 強迫用英語怎麼說?
force n.力;力量;強制力量;暴力;武力;道德力;精神力量;部隊;警察部隊;瀑布
compel v.強迫;迫使;引起;導致;強使發生;驅趕
coerce v.強迫…做;用強迫手段獲得
常用 權威
1. 強迫症
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
2. 強迫同意
coerce sb into consent
3. 強迫性性行為
sexual obsessions
4. 強迫回答
force an answer (from sb)
5. 強迫性進食
compulsive eating
6. 強迫勞動
forced labour
7. 強迫囤積症
compulsive hoarding
1. 素食者寧願不被強迫吃肉。
Vegetarians would prefer not to be compelled to eat meat.
2. 最後巨人生氣了,把迪克帶出來強迫他唱歌。
Finally the giant grew angry, and took Dick out to force him to sing.
3. 如果不強迫孩子們上學,他們就會在街頭閒逛。
If not forced to go to school, kids would be out in the streets.
4. 他是我的好朋友,他永遠不會強迫你或欺騙你。
He's a good friend of mine, and he would never try to pressure you or cheat you.
5. 把你的鬧鐘提前一個小時,然後強迫自己去鍛鍊!
Set your alarm clock an hour early and push yourself to work out!
6. 我們就是這樣被教育,幾十年來我們被強迫灌輸的影象。
It's the way we've been taught, the images we've been force-fed for decades.
7. 我發現自己越來越不願意強迫自己去參加舞蹈演出,所以我辭職了。
I found myself increasingly unwilling to drag myself to dance performances, so I quit.
8. 個人意見不要強迫別人接受。
Don’t force/impose your personal ideas on others.
9. 她在父母的強迫下嫁給了一個有錢人。
She married a rich man under the parental coercion.
10. 工頭強迫他一天干15小時的活,而且還打他。
The foreman worked him fifteen hours a day and beat him in addition.
強迫(英文:force、compel、coerce),讀音為qiǎng pò,是漢語詞語,指的是施加壓力使服從;迫使。例句有“自己的意見不能強迫別人接受”。 相關句子有“爸,媽不願意,您何必這樣強迫呢?”出自曹禺《雷雨》。
動詞 force; compel; coerce
1. 她在父母的強迫下嫁給了一個有錢人。
She married a rich man under the parental coercion.
2. 個人意見不要強迫別人接受。
Don't force/impose your personal ideas on others.
3. 強迫性進食
compulsive eating
4. 強迫同意
coerce sb into consent
5. 強迫勞動
forced labour
6. 強迫回答
force an answer (from sb)
7. 強迫服從
force sb to obey; compel obedience from sb