照亮的英文 照亮用英語怎麼說?
light n.光;瞭解;識破;啟迪;亮部;引火物;窗;採光窗洞;傑出的人;有聲望的人;顯赫人物;待填空格
light up 突然出現(或使突然出現)活躍(或歡快)的神色;眉開眼笑;喜形於色
常用 權威
1. 照亮前程
brighten the prospect
1. 聚光燈只照亮舞臺的一部分。
A spotlight lights up only one section of a stage.
2. 紅色的花朵,像燃燒的火焰,照亮了她的世界。
The red flowers, blooming like burning fire, light up her world.
3. 大教堂屋頂上巨大的洞裡透出的日光照亮了一座雕像上方的金色十字架。
Daylight from vast holes in the cathedral roof lit a golden cross over a statue.
4. 一道閃電照亮了天空。
A flash of lightning lit the sky.
5. 蠟燭照亮了房屋。
Candles lit up the room.
6. 火光照亮了天空。
The sky was lit with flames. / Flames lit up the sky.
7. 世界被照亮了,顯得更加美麗。
The world is made luminous and is transfigured.
8. 鎮上的強燈光照亮了草原遠處。
The lights of the town lay incandescing across the prairie.
9. 天空被黎明的金色光芒照亮。
[with obj.]the sky was flushed with the gold of dawn.
10. 窗戶的反光照亮了他的臉龐。
The reflex from the window lit his face.
動詞 light; light up
1. 火光照亮了天空。
The sky was lit with flames. / Flames lit up the sky.
2. 蠟燭照亮了房屋。
Candles lit up the room.