預報的英文 預報用英語怎麼說?
forecast v.預測;預報
常用 權威
1. 預報員
2. 提供預報
furnish a forecast
3. 預報臺風
give notice of typhoons
4. 預報海洋學
synoptic oceanography
5. 相信預報
trust a forecast
6. 預報圖
prognostic chart
7. 蟲情預報
pest forecasting; forecast of pest-outbreak
8. 更正預報
rectify a forecast
9. 氣象預報
weather/meteorological forecast
10. 長期預報
long-range forecast/projection
11. 水文預報
hydrologic forecast
12. 潮汐預報
tide prediction
13. 近期預報
short-term forecast
14. 預報地震
predict earthquakes;predict earthquakes
15. 天氣預報
weather forecast
16. 預報中心
forecasting centre
17. 湧浪預報
swell forecast
18. 預報區
forecast zone
19. 短期天氣預報
short-range forecast
20. 數值天氣預報
numerical weather forecast
1. 天氣預報員說下星期才出太陽。
The weatherman said the sun wouldn't come out until next week.
2. 天氣預報說預計明天晴天。
The weather report says we will expect a sunny day tomorrow.
3. 使用者可以用它們上網衝浪,搜尋地圖和天氣預報。
Users can use them to surf online and search for maps and weather reports.
4. 在下一次天氣預報中,氣象學家會說天氣很快就要變了。
In their next weather forecast, the meteorologists can say the weather will change soon.
5. 我們已收到風暴即將來臨的預報。
We have received the notice of storms approaching.
6. 天氣預報說今天有雨,現在當真下起來了。
The weather forecast said it would rain today, and sure enough, it’s beginning to rain now.
7. 天氣預報果然很靈驗。
The weather forecast turned out to be accurate.
8. 天氣預報說陰有小雨。
The forecast is for overcast skies and a little rain.
9. 氣象臺預報明天下雪。
The weather station predicted snow for tomorrow.
10. 預報明天有雷陣雨。
Thundershowers are forecast for tomorrow.
湖南迎陰雨雪天氣局地有冰凍西藏部分地區雪中跨年 新年湘江長沙段水位創歷史新低衡水市出現霧凇奇景 京冀等地道路因霧通行受阻鄭西高鐵列車晚點執行 1月1日多省區市遭遇大霧大霧導致武漢輪渡短暫停航 江西多條高速全線封閉湖北大部大霧致多條高速封閉 新西蘭克賴斯特徹奇發生5.5級地震日本7.0級地震 冬季起居養生必做的5件事高畫質圖:日漸消亡的冰山
動詞 forecast
1. 我們已收到風暴即將來臨的預報。
We have received the notice of storms approaching.
2. 氣象臺預報明天下雪。
The weather station predicted snow for tomorrow.
3. 相信預報
trust a forecast
4. 提供預報
furnish a forecast
5. 更正預報
rectify a forecast
6. 預報天氣情況
forecast what the weather will be like; forecast the weather; give weather forecasts
7. 預報臺風
give notice of typhoons
8. 預報地震
predict earthquakes