請假的英文 請假用英語怎麼說?
ask/apply for leave (of absence); put in for leave
常用 權威
1. 請假條
written request for leave (of absence); application for leave
2. 請假缺席
be absent with leave
3. 請假回家
go home on leave
4. 批准請假
authorize sb's leave
5. 向學校請假
get leave from school
1. 他雖然身體不好,但平常很少請假。
Though he doesn’t enjoy good health, he seldom asks for leave.
2. 他要求請假去看生病的妻子,而他們不準,真是太不近人情了。
It was callous of them not to grant him leave to go and see his sick wife.
3. 我已經和老闆說好請假的
I arranged with my boss to have the time off
4. 今天他請假了,他的室友沒請假。
He, rather than his roommates, asks for leave today.
5. 私假 因個人原因請假沒有工資。
Personal days Unpaid time off due to personal reasons.
6. 填一張請假申請單,我給你簽字。
Fill an absence form, and I will sign it.
7. 今天別向老闆請假,他心情不好。
Don't ask the boss for leave today-he's in a mood.
8. 本: 約翰森先生昨天為什麼請假?
Ben: Why did Mr. Johnson take a day off yesterday?
9. 論文答辯需要長時間上網和請假
Thesis debate requires a lot of time online and vacation
10. 那個士兵未請假離隊3個星期。
The soldier absented himself without leave for three weeks.
詞目:請假 拼音:qǐng jià 詞義:主體因病或因事請求在一定時期不工作或學習或有特殊事情。 例句:王老師今天因為一件很重要的事情請了假。 小紅有點不舒服,向老師請了一天假。
動詞 ask/apply for leave (of absence); put in for leave
1. 我頭疼極了,請了一天病假。
I've got a bad headache and asked for a day's sick leave.
2. 他到系裡請了下午的假。
He went to the department and requested the afternoon off.
3. 向學校請假
get leave from school
4. 請假缺席
be absent with leave; excused absence
5. 請假回家
go home on leave
6. 請兩天假
ask for a two-day leave of absence; ask for two days off; take two days'leave (of absence from school, work, etc)
7. 批准請假
authorize sb's leave
8. 辦理請假手續
go through the formalities of asking for leave of absence