全年的英文 全年用英語怎麼說?
whole/entire year
常用 權威
1. 全年租金
annual rental
2. 全年支出
annual expenditure
3. 全年收入
annual income; full-year earning
4. 全年訂閱
annual subscription
5. 全年降雨總量
annual quantum of rainfall
6. 全年平均溫度
mean annual temperature
7. 全年氣溫變化幅度
annual range of temperature
1. 那裡的氣候適合全年發射火箭。
Its climate was ideal for year-round rocket launching.
2. 該節目全年開放,幷包含在常規動物園門票中。
This show is open year round and included with regular Zoo admission.
3. 在充分生長的幾周內,植物就完成了全年的生長。
Within a few weeks of full growth, the plant is done for the year.
4. 25歲以下的人可以全年積累技能、找到工作或創業。
People under 25 could build skills, find a job or start businesses all year round.
5. 位於中部山谷的弗雷斯諾(Fresno)在美國全年汙染中名列前茅。
Fresno, in the central valley, comes top of the list in America for year-round pollution.
6. 他全年都很努力。
He has worked hard all year (round)/all the year.
7. 全年逢星期三隻需$16.99?
Annually $16.99 on Wednesdays?
8. 年風電出力全年每分鐘的模擬結果
Simulated minute-to-minute wind power data for the whole year
9. 全年降水量主要影響植被總蓋度。
The annual rainfall mainly affects the total vegetation coverage.
10. 這蘭花生產花卉全年有輕微芳香。
This orchid produces flowers all year round and has a slight fragrant.
全年(quán nián),漢語詞語,指的是完整的一年。例句為“單位裡前八個月完成的指標累積起來已達全年任務的百分之八十。” 相關近義詞有終年、整年。相關反義詞有長年。
名詞 whole/entire year
1. 他全年都很努力。
He has worked hard all year (round)/all the year.
2. 全年租金
annual rental
3. 全年支出
annual expenditure
4. 全年收入
annual income; full-year earning
5. 全年平均溫度
mean annual temperature
6. 全年降雨量
yearly/annual rainfall
7. 全年訂閱
annual subscription
8. 全年產量
annual output/production/yield