危害的英文 危害用英語怎麼說?
harm n.傷害;損失;損害;壞處;危險
endanger v.使處於危險之中;危及;危害
jeopardize v.使處於危險境地;危及;損害
imperil v.使處於…危險
常用 權威
1. 危害性
harmfulness; perniciousness
2. 危害農作物
harm the crops
3. 危害環境
harm the environment
4. 預料到危害
anticipate harm
5. 危害前途
imperil sb's future
6. 職業危害
occupational hazards
7. 危害自由
jeopardize liberty
8. 危害人類罪
crimes against humanity
9. 生物性危害
biological hazard; biohazard
10. 競爭危害
race hazard
11. 危害治安
jeopardize public security
12. 產生危害
do harm (to sb)
13. 危害民主
jeopardize democracy
14. 危害公共利益
harm public interests
1. 它的危害可能比之前認為的要小。
It may be less damaging than previously believed.
2. 大型菸草公司對顧客坦誠吸菸的危害。
Big tobacco companies were frank with their customers about the hazards of smoking.
3. 他們還沒有完全意識到尼古丁的危害。
They have not fully realized the harmful effect of the nicotine.
4. 董事會任意決定的危害。
The harm from arbitrary board decision.
5. 它的好處大於危害。
Its benefits outweigh the hazards involved.
6. 廢棄物汙染環境、危害人類健康並導致動物死亡。
Waste pollutes the environment, harms people's health and causes animals to die.
7. 減少蠕蟲的危害。
Reducing the damage of worms.
8. 決策過程中危害最大的部分就是一次又一次地重複同樣的選擇。
The most toxic part of decision making is going over the same options time and time again.
9. 醫生警告我睡眠不足大有危害。
The doctor alerted me to the danger of not getting enough sleep.
10. 細菌侵入機體,就會危害健康。
Bacteria harm an organism once they enter it.
危害(英文:harm),讀音wēi hài,漢語詞語,釋義是使受破壞,傷害。例句:空氣汙染危害人們的身體健康。 危害的近義詞:摧殘,妨害,迫害。反義詞:保障,救援,維護。
動詞 harm; endanger; jeopardize; imperil
1. 吸菸危害健康。
Smoking does harm to your health. / Cigarettes damage health. / Smoking is hazardous to health.
2. 生物性危害
biological hazard; biohazard
3. 競爭危害
race hazard
4. 危害治安
jeopardize public security
5. 危害青少年的身心健康
damage the physical and mental health of youngsters
6. 危害前途
imperil sb's future
7. 危害農作物
harm the crops
8. 危害健康
be detrimental/harmful to health; harm/damage one's health
9. 危害環境
harm the environment
10. 危害國家主權和領土完整
endanger the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state
11. 危害國際和平/國家安全
endanger international peace/national security
12. 危害公共利益
harm public interests