委屈的英文 委屈用英語怎麼說?
wronged vt.委屈;誹謗;無理地對待;(wrong的過去式和過去分詞)
aggrieved adj.感到不公的;受委屈的;受害的
常用 權威
1. 受委屈
suffer wrong; be wronged
2. 感到委屈
feel wronged
3. 滿腹委屈
be full of grievances
1. 她受了委屈,但沒有吭聲。
She was wronged, but she made no complaint.
2. 對不起,委屈
Sorry to have made you go through all this. / Sorry to have put you to such inconvenience.
3. 你只好委屈一點。
You will have to put up with it.
4. 委屈應該講出來,不要悶在心裡。
Grievances should be discussed, not camouflaged.
5. 他有很多各種各樣的委屈。
His grievances were many and various.
6. 我使你受了很大的委屈。
I have done you a great wrong.
7. 因為愛你,所以我委屈了我自己。
Because I love you so I wronged me myself .
8. 怕你受委屈時每人替你抱不平.
Afraid of everyone for you when you are wronged against injustice.
9. 嘉莉感到羞愧, 杜洛埃感到委屈.
Carrie was ashamed, and Drouet aggrieved.
10. 更讓他難過的是沒地方去訴訴委屈.
What made him unhappiest of all was that he had nowhere to unburden himself.
委屈(英文:wronged),讀音為wěi qu,漢語詞語,指的是受到不應有的指責或待遇而心裡難過;還指虧待,讓人受委屈。例句有“你看她受了那麼大的委屈都沒計較,你還有什麼不平呢?”。 相關古文有“夫嚴氣正性,覆折而已。豈有員園委屈,可以每其生哉!” 出自《後漢書·鄭孔荀傳論》,相關近義詞有勉強、冤枉、憋屈,反義詞有舒展、舒坦。
《委屈》是凌曉飛作詞作曲,梁佳玉演唱的歌曲,收錄在專輯《委屈 EP》中。
形詞 wronged; aggrieved
1. 滿腹委屈
be full of grievances
2. 訴委屈
pour out one's grievances/troubles
3. 受委屈
suffer wrong; be wronged
4. 感到委屈
feel wronged
動詞 put sb to great inconvenience
1. 對不起,委屈你了。
Sorry to have made you go through all this. / Sorry to have put you to such inconvenience.
2. 你只好委屈一點。
You will have to put up with it.