熱水的英文 熱水用英語怎麼說?
hot water 熱水
常用 權威
1. 熱水瓶
thermos bottle/flask; thermos; vacuum bottle/flask
2. 熱水袋
hot-water bottle; hot-water bag
3. 熱水器
water heater; geyser
4. 泡個熱水澡
have a hot bath
5. 燃氣熱水器
gas geyser/heater
6. 熱水鍋爐
hot-water boiler
7. 輸送熱水
convey hot water
8. 煤氣熱水器
geyser; gas water heater
9. 熱水供暖
hot water heating;hot-water heating
10. 熱水龍頭
hot-water tap
1. 然後,您可以洗個熱水澡放鬆身心。
Then you can take a warm-water bath to relax.
2. 賣茶的人把熱水倒在紅茶上。
The tea sellers pour hot water on black tea.
3. 而喝熱水可以滋養\陽氣\。
And drinking hot water could nourish (滋養) the \yang\ energy.
4. 你必須拼命擠進車廂,遠離別人的熱水。
You have to fight your way into the carriage (車廂), and keep away from others' hot water.
5. 也可以把花或者根放在熱水裡,做成蒲公英茶。
You can also put flowers or roots in hot water to make dandelion tea.
6. 例如,如果你喉嚨痛,你可以和甘草一起喝熱水。
For example, if you have a sore throat, you could drink hot water with Gancao.
7. 止疼藥膏沒有效果,但是洗個熱水澡或洗個熱水澡可以緩解疼痛。
Pain relieving creams don't work, but a hot shower, or warm bath can provide some relief.
8. 在戶外熱水浴缸上花一大筆錢的紐約人現在承認他們很少使用它。
And the New Yorkers who spent a bundle on an outdoor hot tub now admit they rarely use it.
9. 大約一年前,我的鄰居在他的屋頂上安裝了面板,以便為他的熱水供電。
My neighbor installed panels on his roof about a year ago in order to power his hot water.
10. 每晚把腳在熱水中浸泡一會兒。
Soak your feet in warm water for a while every night.
rè shuǐ 2.溫開水。 4在一個標準大氣壓下沸點在100攝氏度。 5地名。內蒙古赤峰市克什克騰旗熱水開發區,湖南省郴州市汝城縣熱水鎮 ,青海省海北藏族自治洲剛察縣熱水鎮,內蒙古赤峰市寧城縣熱水開發區。 6熱水在一些方言熱字讀一聲
名詞 hot water