假定的英文 假定用英語怎麼說?
suppose v.認為;料想;估計;必須做;假定;認為應該;猜想;建議;要求以…為前提條件;需以…為條件
assume v.假設;臆斷;承擔;就;呈現;具有;假裝;僭取;奪取
presume v.推測;假設;放肆;擅做;認定;想當然;過分寄希望於;無理要求;指望…會帶來利益
hypothesis n.假設;前提
常用 權威
1. 假定荷載
assumed load
2. 假定繼承人
heir presumptive
3. 任意假定
arbitrary assumption
1. 當你明確表態時,不要假定兩者之間的聯絡會很明顯。
When you do speak up, don't assume the link will be clear.
2. 法庭會假定他們的行為是誠實的。
The court will assume that they have acted bona fide.
3. 做出這樣的假定是極為輕率的。
It would be extremely rash to make such an assumption.
4. 其理論假定颶風是旋轉運動的。
His theory postulated a rotatory movement for hurricanes.
5. 假定他已經被謀殺了——又怎樣呢?
Suppose he had been murdered—what then?
6. 探索研究總會受制於文化假定。
Enquiries are always preconditioned by cultural assumptions.
7. 假定動物無知覺是(人的)傲慢自大。
It's arrogant to presume animals to be insentient.
8. 假定我們第一年支付5,000英鎊。
Let's say we pay in five thousand pounds in the first year.
9. 你的論點預先假定了誰在位並不重要。
Your argument presupposes that it does not matter who is in power.
10. 規劃政策表現出傾向於發展的總的假定。
The planning policy shows a general presumption in favour of development.
動詞 suppose; assume; presume
1. 假定這訊息是真的,我們又該怎麼辦呢?
Suppose the news is true, what should we do then?
2. 假定荷載
assumed load
3. 假定成本/利息
assumed cost/interest
名詞 hypothesis