一串的英文 一串用英語怎麼說?
a chain of phr.一連串
a string of 一串
a cluster of 一簇;一群;一叢
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 一串紅
scarlet sage
2. 一串佛珠
a string of beads
3. 一串香蕉
a hand of bananas
4. 一串麻錢
a string of bronze coins
5. 一串珠子
a string of beads
6. 一串葡萄
a bunch of grapes
7. 一串珍珠
a string of pearls
8. 一串小花
a cluster of little flowers
9. 一串串懸垂的葡萄
dependent clusters of grapes
1. 生活是一串串的快樂時光,我們不僅僅是為了生存而生存。
Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival.
2. 他使這一串水桶一直有水供應。
He kept the chain of buckets supplied with water.
3. 槍口迸出一串4英尺長的火舌。
A tongue of flame flashes four feet from the gun.
4. 我從街上帶進來的一串路面防滑鹽腳印。
The road salt I'd tracked in from the street.
5. 她脖子上戴了一串瑪瑙。
She wore a string of agates round her throat.
6. 坦普爾化合物變成了一串按純度漸次排列的同心圓。
The Temple compound became a series of concentric circles of gradated purity.
7. 油光發亮的黑髮、華貴的衣服和一串紐約式的急口詞。
Slick black hair, flashy clothes and a New York line of patter.
8. 又一串敵人的子彈雨點般地向他那毫無防護的身體射來。
Another burst of enemy bullets peppered his defenceless body.
9. 公車司機會大聲念出一串的站名.
The Bus driver would read out the list of stops.
10. 她戴著一串有金幣制成的項鍊 。
She wore a necklace made up from gold coins.
量詞 a chain of; a string of; a cluster of
1. 生活是一串串的快樂時光,我們不僅僅是為了生存而生存。
Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival.
2. 一串珠子
a string of beads
3. 一串香蕉
a hand of bananas
4. 一串小花
a cluster of little flowers
5. 一串葡萄
a bunch of grapes
a chain of; a string of; a cluster of