規矩的英文 規矩用英語怎麼說?
rule n.規則;條例;細則;尺;直尺;計算尺;統治;原則;法則
precept n.規誡;戒律;箴言;訓令;令狀;稅令;稅率;稅種
custom n.風俗;習俗;光顧;惠顧;習慣;習慣法;慣例
form n.形狀;輪廓;存在形式;表現形式;種類;型別;常規;規矩;表格;年級;競技狀態;長板凳;窩
well-behaved 乖巧的;作風端正的;有禮的
honest adj.誠實的;老實的;真誠的;正直的;樸實的;簡單的;貞潔的;單純的;用正當手段獲得的;無可責備的
law-abiding adj.守法的
常用 權威
1. 規矩繩墨
compasses, setsquare and carpenter's inkmarker—norms or standards to be followed
2. 佛門規矩
Buddhist discipline
3. 餐桌上的規矩
table manners
4. 不成文的規矩
established practice; unwritten rule;unwritten conventions
5. 不規矩的行為
irregular behaviour
1. 採用藝名曾經是演藝界的一種規矩。
To assume a stage name used to be a usual practice for actors.
2. 教堂裡有一些規矩,大家必須遵守。
There are certain forms that must be followed in the church.
3. 我在這兒孩子會規規矩矩的。
The children will behave well while I am here.
4. 在日本待了大半輩子,我懂得那裡的規矩。
Having spent most of my life in Japan, I know the form.
5. 吃好早餐是我家的規矩。
Having a good breakfast is a law in my family.
6. 你再這樣不守規矩的話,我可就不客氣了。
If you don’t behave yourself, I won’t be so easy on you.
7. 沒有規矩,不成方圓。
You can’t draw circles and squares without compasses and squares.— No right shape can be formed if not done according to specifications. / If you don’t follow the rules, you can’t do anything right.
8. 他看上去是個規矩人。
He looks like an honest man.
9. 你的字寫得很規矩。
Your handwriting shows disciplined practice.
10. 那個女人不規矩。
The woman is on the loose. / She is an indecent woman.
規矩是一個漢語詞彙,讀音是guī ju,意思是指校正圓形﹑方形的兩種工具,多用來比喻標準法度,規:畫圓的工具,今指圓規。矩:畫直角或方形的工具。出自《荀子·禮論》和《紅樓夢》。
名詞 rule; precept; usual/conventional/regular practice; custom; form
1. 在日本待了大半輩子,我懂得那裡的規矩。
Having spent most of my life in Japan, I know the form.
2. 教堂裡有一些規矩,大家必須遵守。
There are certain forms that must be followed in the church.
3. 吃好早餐是我家的規矩。
Having a good breakfast is a law in my family.
4. 採用藝名曾經是演藝界的一種規矩。
To assume a stage name used to be a usual practice for actors.
名詞 (good) manners; social etiquette
1. 我只要看一眼,那些調皮的男孩子就會規規矩矩的。
I can put the naughty boys in their place with just a glance.
2. 我在這兒孩子會規規矩矩的。
The children will behave well while I am here.
3. (放)規矩點兒!
Behave yourself/properly!
4. 餐桌上的規矩
table manners
5. 守規矩
abide by the rules; behave oneself
6. 沒規矩
be free in manners; have no manners; do not behave oneself
7. 懂規矩
have good/nice manners; behave properly
8. 不懂規矩
have bad/no manners; be without manners
形詞 well-behaved; good-mannered; well-disciplined
1. 你的字寫得很規矩。
Your handwriting shows disciplined practice.
2. 舉止規矩謹慎
be prim and precise in manners
形詞 honest; law-abiding
1. 他看上去是個規矩人。
He looks like an honest man.
2. 那個女人不規矩。
The woman is on the loose. / She is an indecent woman.
3. 不規矩的行為
irregular behaviour