學費的英文 學費用英語怎麼說?
tuition (fee); spending of money on one's schooling; education expenses
常用 權威
1. 交學費
pay tuition
2. 積攢學費
save for tuition
3. 交付學費
pay for education
4. 免除學費
waive tuition
5. 減免學費
reduce or remit the tuition
6. 一年的學費
yearly tuition
7. 向學生收學費
charge students tuition
1. 懷著深深的悲傷,她決定支付伊馬的學費。
With deep sadness, she decided to pay Hima's tuition (學費) for school.
2. 畢業後,她努力幫助她的兄弟姐妹支付學費。
After graduation, she worked to help her sisters and brothers pay for their schooling.
3. 付服務員的學費
Pay the waiter's school tuition.
4. 本科學費更高。
Higher tuition fees for undergraduate studies.
5. 作者喜歡她的大學,雖然不是很有聲望,但學費不貴。
The author liked her university which was not prestigious but less expensive.
6. 報到時必須交清學費。
Tuition should be paid on enrolment.
7. 學費每年5,000元,住宿費、伙食費在外。
The tuition is 5,000 yuan per year, not including room and board.
8. 你們已經付了學費和住宿費,所以只需帶些零用。
You’ve paid your tuition and accommodation, so you only need to take some pocket money with you.
9. 她哥哥供她學費。
Her brother pays her tuition.
10. 人們樂於付學費完全在情理之中。
People are willing, within reason, to pay for schooling.
名詞 tuition (fee)
1. 一年的學費
yearly tuition
2. 向學生收學費
charge students tuition
3. 交學費
pay tuition
4. 減免學費
reduce or remit the tuition
名詞 spending of money on one's schooling; education expenses