才的英文 才用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-09-08


ability n.能力;才能;智力水平;才幹;技能

talent n.天賦;塔蘭特;有天賦的人;性感的人;可能成為性夥伴的人

capacity n.最大容量;能力;才能;承受力;理解能力;身份;角色;職位;生產力;生產量

capability n.能力;才能;才幹;能力範圍;計算機效能;力量

gift n.禮物;贈品;天賦;才能;(GIFT)輸卵管內配子轉移

endowment n.捐贈;資助;捐款;天賦;才能;人壽保險;天資;捐贈的財產

not until 直到

only when 除非;只有當

a moment ago 片刻前;剛才;一會前

just adj.正義的;公正的;應得的;適當的;有充分根據的;恰如其分的;有理由的;無可非議的

only just 僅僅, 勉強;剛剛, 剛才

only adv.唯一地;僅有地;只;不料;結果卻;才;僅僅;只會;剛剛;直到…才

really adv.真正地;確實地;實際上;事實上;很;十分;全然;是嗎;實在;確實

actually adv.事實上;實際上;竟然;居然

常用 權威



1. 良史之才

talents of a good historian

2. 才具有限

be of limited capacity

3. 通脫之才

person of unconventional talent

4. 直待天黑才回家

not go home until dusk

5. 很晚才吃晚餐

have a late supper


1. 直到唐朝,它正式被設為節日。

It was not officially set as a festival until the Tang Dynasty.

2. 直到徐去世後,它被公之於眾。

It was only made public after Xu died.

3. 直到那時,這幅畫開始顯露出來。

It was only then that the picture would begin to disclose itself.

4. 她直到43歲掌握雕刻技巧。

She didn't master the carving skill until she was 43.

5. 天氣預報員說下星期出太陽。

The weatherman said the sun wouldn't come out until next week.

6. 時間只有在特定的背景下有意義。

Time becomes meaningful only in a defined context.

7. 清理工作花了很長時間完成。

It was a long time before the cleanup was finished.

8. 你只有在工作多年後會真正精通。

You only really get proficient after many years in the job.

9. 我們等了好幾個小時拍完這個場景。

We waited for hours for the scene to be shot.

10. 它直到1660年左右出現在英國。

It didn't appear in England until around 1660.


才(cái),艸木之初也。從丨上貫一,將生枝葉。一,地也。凡才之屬皆從才。 作名詞時,表才能,有才能的人:德~兼備,多~多藝,奇~。作形容詞時,表有才能;有本領。作副詞時,表前不久;只有,僅僅。姓(Cái)。



名詞 ability; talent; capacity; capability; gift; endowment

1. 這人很有才。

That man is a real talent.

2. 詩才

gift for writing poetry

名詞 talented person

1. 平庸之才

man of mediocre talents

副詞 not until; then and only then; only when

1. 我們是為了你好才給你提出這些建議的。

We are making these suggestions for your own good.

2. 狼只有飢餓時才攻擊人。

A wolf will attack a human being only when it is hungry.

3. 我看了報紙,才瞭解到事情的真相。

I didn't know the truth until I read the newspaper. / Only when I read the newspaper did I get to know the facts of the matter.

副詞 a moment ago; just; only just

1. 我剛剛才到。

I've only just arrived.

2. 電影才開始。

The movie has just started.

副詞 [not more than a particular amount, number, age, etc] only

1. 我開始踢球的時候才五歲。

I started playing football when I was only five.

2. 他到美國才一個月,就可以同當地人交流了。

It was only one month after his arrival in the US that he could communicate with the locals.

副詞 [for emphasis, usu used with呢at the end of the sentence] really; actually

1. 她才不想一輩子待在那兒呢。

She has not the least desire to stay there forever.

2. 他才不傻呢。

He is no fool.

3. 打探商業情報才是他們此行的真正目的。

Spying out business secrets is the true purpose of their trip.

副詞 no earlier than a particular time; not until; only

1. 新生昨天才來。

The new students came only yesterday.

2. 我到半夜一兩點才睡覺。

I didn't go to bed until the small hours.

3. 你怎麼這麼晚才來上課?

Why are you so late for class?

我真的好想你!用韓語怎麼說 ?