任意的英文 任意用英語怎麼說?
wantonly adv.放縱地;嬉鬧地;繁茂地
arbitrarily adv.任意地;武斷地;專橫地;反覆無常地
wilfully adv.任意地;任性固執地;蓄意地
indiscriminately adv.任意地;無差別地;無例外地
at will 任意, 隨意
arbitrary adj.隨機選擇的;隨心所欲的;無理由的;無系統的;專斷的;專制的;任意的
unconditional adj.無條件的
常用 權威
1. 任意球
(of football/soccer) free kick;(of handball) free throw
2. 任意性
3. 任意解釋
arbitrarily interpret
4. 任意處罰
arbitrary punishment
5. 罰任意球
take a free kick
6. 任意合同
contract at discretion
7. 任意管轄權
discretionary jurisdiction
8. 任意竄改
make alterations at will
9. 任意欺侮
bully at will
10. 任意定義
arbitrary definition
11. 任意羈押
arbitrary detention
12. 任意繼承
optional succession
13. 任意拘捕
arbitrary arrest
14. 任意多邊形
arbitrary polygon
15. 任意三角形
arbitrary triangle
16. 任意漲價
raise prices arbitrarily
17. 任意歪曲
wilfully distort
18. 任意捏造
indulge in pure fabrication
19. 任意保險
voluntary insurance
20. 任意過失
wanton negligence
1. 她可以下載任意多的圖片。
She could download as many pictures as she liked.
2. 董事會任意決定的危害。
The harm from arbitrary board decision.
3. 我能從過去的五十三年中任意挑個日子,並且很快就會知道我當時當時在哪兒。
I can pick a date from the past 53 years and know instantly where I was.
4. 敵軍橫穿小鎮,一路任意殺掠。
The enemy troops crossed the town, killing and looting as they went.
5. 專款專用,不得任意騰挪。
Funds earmarked for specific purposes are not to be transferred to other use without due authorization.
6. 這個遊戲可以讓任意數量的人參加。
The game can involve any number of players.
7. 他將任意球準確吊入罰球區。
He flighted a free kick into the box.
8. 前鋒將任意球大力射入網窩。
The striker blasted the free kick into the net.
9. 他的任意球速度確實很快。
His free kick was a real flyer.
10. 這些畫布可以被排列成任意數目的組合。
The canvases may be arranged in any number of combinations.
任意,漢語詞語,拼音rèn yì,注音ㄖㄣˋ ㄧˋ,指任隨其意,不受約束。
任 意 (1925.11—1998.1)原名任之驥, 浙江蕭山城廂鎮人。 擅長工藝美術。 1948年畢業於上海美術專科學校圖案系。
副詞 wantonly; arbitrarily; wilfully; indiscriminately; at will
1. 可作任意解釋的法律規定
legal provisions open to arbitrary interpretation
2. 任意漲價
raise prices arbitrarily
3. 任意誣衊
wantonly vilify/slander
4. 任意歪曲
wilfully distort
5. 任意欺侮
bully at will
6. 任意捏造
indulge in pure fabrication
7. 任意解釋
arbitrarily interpret
8. 任意踐踏人權
trample upon human rights at will
形詞 arbitrary; unconditional
1. 任意三角形
arbitrary triangle