恨的英文 恨用英語怎麼說?
hate n.仇視;痛恨;由強烈的反感(或偏見)激發的;所恨之人
resent v.對…懷恨;怨恨
regret v.懊悔;後悔;遺憾;為…抱歉;為…惋惜;對(損失或缺乏)感到痛惜
remorse n.痛悔;悔恨;內疚
hatred n.仇恨;惡意
常用 權威
1. 恨敵人
hate one's enemy
2. 齎恨而亡
die with regret
3. 永久的恨
undying hatred
4. 恨得直咬牙
gnash one's teeth in hatred
5. 厭惡和尚,恨及袈裟
those who dislike monks also hate monkish vestments—one's hate of a person extends to things associated with him
1. 久聞大名,但恨無緣拜識。
I have long been aware of your exalted name, but I regret never getting a chance to make your acquaintance.
2. 他有口無心,你彆氣恨。
Don’t take it to heart. He didn’t mean to hurt you.
3. 他恨自己違背良心,在這裡委曲求全,仰人鼻息。
He hated himself for going against his own conscience and stooping to compromise under someone’s thumb.
4. 愛變成了恨。
Love has turned to hate.
5. 他又恨又怕。
He hates and fears both at once.
6. 他對他們擅自闖入又氣又恨。
He was angry and resentful of their intrusion.
7. 布賴恩使我不痛快,我恨他。
I hate Brian for what he put me through.
8. 我父親一開始就恨他,這種情感是相互的。
My father hated him from the start and the feeling was mutual.
9. 她恨他,其凶神惡煞的程度連她自己也感到驚訝。
[count noun]she hated him with a ferocity that astonished her.
10. 我恨他,但不再怕他
I hated him but didn't fear him any more
恨(hèn),漢字。部首忄部,總筆畫9畫,左右結構。指怨,仇視。又指為做不到或做不好而內心不安。組詞憤恨、毀恨、痛恨。 《說文》裡有“恨,怨也”。
動詞 hate; resent
1. 恨得要命
hate intensely; bitterly hate; be burning with inveterate hatred
2. 恨得咬牙切齒
grind one's teeth with hatred
3. 恨敵人
hate one's enemy
名詞 hatred
動詞 regret; remorse