型號的英文 型號用英語怎麼說?
model n.模型;模式;樣式;模範;時裝模特兒;設計;型號;典型;榜樣;原型
type n.型別;種類;品種;象徵;印刷文字;圖案;預示;預兆;預兆性人物;型
常用 權威
1. 標準型號
standard size
2. 汽車型號
model of a car
3. 老型號
old model
4. 普通型號
ordinary type
1. 美國擁有的無人機中,超過一半是中國型號。
More than half of the US-owned drones (無人機) are Chinese models.
2. 那些舊型號的印表機不好脫手。
Those printers of old models are difficult to dispose of.
3. 我們各種型號的小汽車現正在陳列室裡展出。
Our entire range of cars is now on view/exhibition at the showroom.
4. 一個保時捷盾牌型號跑車的車篷。
A targa roof.
5. 他的轎車的牌子、型號和製造年份。
The make, model, and year of his car.
6. 如果你的車是舊型號的,你就送進去除錯一下。
Take your car in for a tune-up if it's an older model.
7. 每個賽車手都試圖使他的搭檔相信他那種型號賽車的優點。
Each course member tries to persuade his pair of the merits of his model.
8. 工廠必須配置裝置以生產這些型號
[with obj.]the factory must be tooled to produce the models
9. 這不是我想讓女兒開的那種型號車
It's not the type of car I'd want my daughter to drive.
10. 這家商店出售各種型號的電視機。
This store sells a wide range of TV sets.
型號(拼音:xíng hào),指機器、工具等的效能、規格和大小。
名詞 model; type
1. 各種型號的玩具汽車
toy cars of all shapes and sizes
2. 新型號
new type
3. 汽車型號
model of a car
4. 普通型號
ordinary type
5. 老型號
old model
6. 標準型號
standard size
7. 型號齊全
have a complete range of models