充分利用的英文 充分利用用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-06



make the most of 充分利用, 從最好方面去展現

make the best of 充分利用(不利情況)以獲得最大好處;充分利用

常用 重點詞彙



1. 他們可以充分利用自己的專業知識。

They can make the best use of their expertise.

2. 我沒有充分利用時間。

I didn't make full use of the time.

3. 充分利用動物模型。

Make informed use of animal models.

4. 充分利用這次近距離相遇,我拍了一些熊的照片。

Making the best of this close encounter (相遇), I took some pictures of the bear.

5. 為了充分利用我們的注意力和精力,我們還需要接受休息時間。

In order to make the most of our focus and energy, we also need to embrace downtime.

6. Burberry正在與合作伙伴合作,充分利用皮革材料來減少浪費。

Burberry is working with a partner to make full use of leather materials to reduce waste.

7. 商家充分利用廣告拉買賣。

Businesses make full use of advertising to drum up trade.

8. 課本沒能充分利用提供的機會。

The textbooks have failed to exploit in full the opportunities offered.

9. 他渴望能充分利用好這次訪問。

He was eager to make the most of his visit.

10. 充分利用現有設施就可以實現節約。

Economies can be made by the full employment of existing facilities.



make the most of; make the best of; get the utmost out of; make the utmost of; take full advantage of

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