看新聞的英文 看新聞用英語怎麼說?
watch the news phr.看新聞
常用 重點詞彙
1. 如果你不看新聞,我也不會怪你。
I don't blame you if you avoid watching the news.
2. 看新聞或回覆電子郵件不值得考慮!
Watching the news or answering emails does not count!
3. 你在電視上會看新聞節目麼?
Do you watch the news on TV?
4. 僅僅看新聞
Just following the news is enough to green anyone.
5. 這周我在網上看新聞了。
This week I grabbed my news off the web.
6. 新聞,來這裡看新聞。
News, get your news here.
7. 看新聞會讓你高估不重要的事件,低估重要的事件。
Reading news may make you overestimate some issues while underestimating some others.
8. 這種全面的新聞追蹤,是我看新聞的一次巔峰體驗。
This kind of comprehensive news is tracked, it is the summit summit experience that I watch news.
9. 我們每天看新聞時覺得這個世界是在退步,而不是進步。
Watch the news every day and the world seems to be going backwards, not forwards.
10. 當我開始看新聞報道,他死的那一天,我的心為之一震。
When I started seeing the news clips, the day he died, my heart sank.
news; information