靈敏的英文 靈敏用英語怎麼說?
sensitive adj.敏感的;靈敏的;敏銳的;保密的;限制透露的;脆弱的;感光的;易激怒的
keen adj.熱心的;熱切的;渴望的;熱情的;鋒利的;敏銳的;尖銳的;低廉的;有競爭力的;優秀的;卓越的;極好的
acute adj.嚴重的;劇烈的;有洞察力的;精明的;小於90°的;銳角的;高的;尖的;靈敏的;有尖端的
delicate adj.細膩的;精巧的;精美的;精緻的;易碎的;易壞的;脆弱的;難以處理的;微妙的;柔和的
agile adj.敏捷的
nimble adj.靈活的;敏捷的;敏銳的;機智的
常用 權威
1. 靈敏度
2. 接收靈敏度
receiving sensitivity
3. 檢波靈敏度
detection sensitivity
4. 變異靈敏度
variational sensitivity
5. 分辨靈敏度
resolution sensitivity
6. 輸入靈敏度
input sensitivity
7. 光電池靈敏度
photocell sensitivity
8. 儀表靈敏度
meter sensitivity
9. 感光靈敏度
luminous sensitivity; sensitivity of light
10. 視覺靈敏度
visual sensitivity
11. 誤差靈敏度
error sensitivity
12. 感覺靈敏
be quick of perception
13. 動作靈敏
be quick in one's movements
1. 為了使放大器足夠靈敏,通常要將其冷卻到非常低的溫度。
To make an amplifier sensitive enough, it is usually cooled to, very low temperatures.
2. 氣壓計對氣壓的變化反應很靈敏。
A barometer is sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure.
3. 這種動物嗅覺靈敏,彌補了視力上的不足。
The animal’s keen sense of smell compensates for its poor eyesight.
4. 她反應遲鈍/靈敏。
She is slow/swift to respond.
5. 他的政治嗅覺靈敏。
He is politically sharp.
6. 彈性過於靈敏的維也納樂器。
Viennese instruments with their too delicate touch.
7. 瞳孔對光反應靈敏。
Pupils are reactive to light.
8. 新的蛋白質探測方法比舊的靈敏
The new method of protein detection was more sensitive than earlier ones.
9. 事實:熊的嗅覺比獵犬靈敏七倍。
Fact A bear's sense of smell is seven times stronger than a bloodhound's.
10. 那條狗對主人的善意反應不靈敏。
The dog reacted slowly to the kindness of his master.
靈敏,遊戲《英雄聯盟》中的天賦,位於堅決系天賦樹的第5層(5階天賦)。 於7.22版本隨天賦系統一起被移除。
形詞 sensitive; keen; acute; delicate; agile; nimble
1. 氣壓計對氣壓的變化反應很靈敏。
A barometer is sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure.
2. 靈敏的儀器
delicate/sensitive instrument
3. 嗅覺靈敏
have a quick/keen/sharp/delicate sense of smell; have an acute sense of smell
4. 頭腦靈敏
have a quick/sharp/nimble/keen mind
5. 手腳靈敏
have nimble limbs; be deft with one's hands and feet
6. 感覺靈敏
be quick of perception
7. 動作靈敏
be quick in one's movements