不平等的英文 不平等用英語怎麼說?
inequitable adj.不公平的;不公正的
unequal adj.不相等的;不同的;不勝任的;不適合的;不平等的;不平衡的;不勢均力敵的
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 社會不平等
social inequality;social inequality
2. 不平等交換
inequitable exchange
3. 不平等條件
discriminative conditions
4. 不平等待遇
unequal treatment
5. 消除不平等
abolish all inequalities
6. 減少社會不平等現象
reduce social inequalities
1. 結構性不平等和歧視會產生健康差異。
Structural inequities and discrimination produce health disparities (差異).
2. 執著於種族主義會延長不平等和歧視。
Clinging to racism prolongs inequity and discrimination.
3. 性別不
Gender inequality continues to frustrate a lot of female employees.
4. 它對消除不平等貢獻不大。
It contributes little to the elimination of inequality.
5. 自尊有助於消除工作場所的性別不平等。
Self-esteem helps to combat gender inequality in the workplace.
6. 如今,似乎所有人都無法擺脫收入不平等。
Nowadays, it seems none of can get away from income inequality.
7. 這將減少地區不平等。
It will reduce regional inequality.
8. 讓學生準備好挑戰和改變分裂的不平等社會。
Prepare students to both challenge and change the divided unequal society.
9. 一些人認為,未來的無工作世界將被不平等定義。
Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by inequality.
10. 他利用手中的筆與社會不平等作鬥爭,為窮人發聲。
He used his pen to fight social inequality and gave voice to the poor.
形詞 inequitable; unequal
1. 社會不平等
social inequality
2. 不平等條件
discriminative conditions
3. 不平等交換
inequitable exchange
4. 不平等待遇
unequal treatment
inequitable; unequal