提的英文 提用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-06


lift v.抬起;舉起;拿起來放到…;振奮精神;鼓勵;鼓舞;解除;偷;順手牽羊;空運

raise v.舉起;把…往上提;使升高;提高;增大;使被聽見;使被考慮;使得到討論;籌集;募集;養育;教養;使復活;解除;把…從窩裡趕出;刺激…生成

promote v.加強;增進;促進;晉升;提升;提拔;宣傳;推銷;促使(議會私法議案)透過;使(催化劑)更活潑

put forward 提出

present adj.在場的;出席的;在座的;現在的;目前的;正在考慮的;正在討論的;存在的;現在時(態)的

mention v.提到;說起;提及;推薦

bring up 開始談論, 提到;撫養, 教養;嘔吐

refer to 提及, 談起;涉及, 相關

advance v.前進;借…給;進步;預付;提前支付;使…提前發生;加速…程序;促進(人;事業;計劃)的發展;提出;漲價

extract v.取出;拔出;提取;提煉;摘錄;選取;總結出;抄錄;推斷出;引申出

dipper n.河烏;長柄勺;戽斗;浸染者;浸塗者;浸禮會教友;再洗禮派教徒

ladle n.長柄勺;冶勺;鋼鐵水包

常用 權威



1. 提兩成

draw twenty per cent

2. 提煉油

refine oil;extract oil (from sth)

3. 一字不提

not say a single word (about); make no mention whatsoever


1. 為了息事寧人,這事就別再了。

To avoid further dispute, let’s forget about it.

2. 只要是我的建議他們就挑毛病。

They pick holes in everything I suggest.

3. 他抓住孩子的胳膊,將他了起來。

He lifted the child by the arm.

4. 對他有意見就,有什麼磨不開的?

If you have complaints about him, you should make them and not fear of offending him.

5. 一杯酒下肚,我的精神就起來了。

One drink gave me a lift.

6. 人們認為在船上“翻”字是犯忌。

It is believed that the mentioning of the word ‘capsize’ on a boat is a taboo.

7. 他對所問題閃閃爍爍,不作正面回答。

He hummed and hawed, giving no direct reply to the question.

8. 這事兒你長短不要再了。

Don’t ever mention it again for whatever reason.

9. 對於我的建議,她似乎有點兒不樂意。

She seemed somewhat displeased with my suggestion.

10. 他們接連向我問題。

They bombarded me with questions. / They fired questions at me.


提(dī、tí、dǐ),漢字,多音字,左右結構。讀dī時,意思是小心防備,如提防。讀tí時,表示垂手拿著有環、柄或繩套的東西,如提壺。讀dǐ時,意思是投擲。可組詞為提醒、提倡、提議等。 相關詩詞有關漢卿《竇娥冤》“三樁兒誓願明提遍。”房玄齡《晉書》“感其提拔之恩。”

粵語:dai2 tai4 客家話:[臺灣四縣腔] ti2 [客英字典] ti2 [東莞腔] ti2 [客語拼音字彙] ti2 [寶安腔] ti2 [梅縣腔] ti2 [陸豐腔] ti3 [海陸豐腔] ti2 [沙頭角腔] ti2 潮州話:ti5



動詞 carry (in one's hand with the arm hanging down)

1. 我去提水。

I'll go fetch water.

2. 手裡提著資料夾

carry a file folder in one's hand

3. 提行李

carry one's luggage in one's hand

動詞 lift; raise; promote

1. 他抓住孩子的胳膊,將他提了起來。

He lifted the child by the arm.

2. 將某人提到領導崗位上來

promote sb to a position of leadership

3. 從井裡提一桶水上來

draw a bucket of water from a well

4. 提薪

raise sb's salary

動詞 put forward; present; raise

1. 你向經理提了什麼建議?

What did you suggest to the manager?

2. 把某事提到議事日程上

put sth on the agenda

3. 提意見

make a criticism/comment; make/offer a suggestion

4. 提要求

make/present one's demands

5. 提問題

raise/pose/ask a question

6. 提條件

put forward conditions/terms

7. 提抗議

lodge/file/tender a protest

8. 提建議

put forward/offer/make a suggestion; put forward/forth a proposal; advance/present/make a proposal

9. 提方案

put forward/present/propose a plan; put forward a proposal

動詞 mention; bring up; refer to

1. 我們別再提那事了。

Let's not bring that up again. / Let's say nothing more about it.

2. 舊事重提

rake up the old story; bring up a matter of the past

3. 不值一提

not worth mentioning; not worthy of mention; nothing to speak of

名詞 dipper; ladle

動詞 move up a date; advance; shift to an earlier time

名詞 rising stroke (in Chinese characters)

動詞 draw/take out; extract

動詞 summon (a prisoner) for interrogation

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