終止的英文 終止用英語怎麼說?
stop v.結束;停止;填塞;處於;表現;停下來;阻擋;總是;中止
end n.最後部分;末尾;端;稍;盡頭;目的;目標;一陣;一回;邊鋒
terminate v.終止;結束;使終止;解僱;人工流產;在…結尾;以…收尾;結束行程
cadence n.聲音的起落;終止式;終止;節奏;節律;抑揚頓挫;降調
常用 權威
1. 終止符
full stop; period
2. 會話終止
session termination
3. 終止友情
dissolve the friendship
4. 終止租約
terminate a lease
5. 終止密碼子
stop codon; termination codon
6. 默示終止
implied termination
7. 終止契約
terminate a contract
8. 終止妊娠
terminate a pregnancy
9. 終止治療
discontinue the medical treatment
10. 終止合同
terminate a contract;terminate a contract
11. 刑期終止
expired term of punishment
12. 終止無效契約
terminate an invalid contract
1. 密西西比河終止於墨西哥灣。
The Mississippi River ends at the Gulf of Mexico.
2. 經雙方同意,他的合同終止。
His contract ends by mutual consent.
3. 一個高度三次試跳失敗,跳高運動員便終止比賽。
Three consecutive failed attempts/jumps at a given height will eliminate the jumper from competition.
4. 證券交易所投票表決終止該方案。
The Stock Exchange voted to kill the project.
5. 球迷衝進球場,比賽被迫終止。
Fans invaded the pitch and the match was abandoned.
6. 抗議是為了迫使政府終止暴力行為。
The protests were an attempt to pressurize the government into bringing an end to the violence.
7. 一個通知就能有效終止租賃。
One notice will be effective to bring the tenancy to an end.
8. 人們建議他終止這份合同。
He was advised to terminate the contract.
9. 辯論終止提付表決的動議。
A closure motion.
10. 有令人信服的證據顯示經濟衰退即將終止。
There is compelling evidence that the recession is ending.
拼音:zhōng zhǐ 英文:termination 詞義: (一)蛋白質合成的最後階段,這時已完成的多肽鏈從核糖體上釋放出來,核糖體也從mRNA上解脫下來。 (二)鏈鎖反應的第三步。 基本解釋 [stop;conclude;close] 完結;停止 終止夥伴關係 詳細解釋
《終止》是一部由( 日) 櫻木紫乃所著書籍,包含有六個發生在北海道的\終止\的故事,天津人民出版社出版發行。
動詞 stop; end; terminate
1. 終止治療
discontinue the medical treatment
2. 終止條約通知書
notice of termination of a treaty; notice of denunciation
3. 終止日期
closing/expiring date
4. 終止合同
terminate a contract
名詞 cadence