贏得的英文 贏得用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-12



win v.在(比賽;衝突)中獲勝;贏;獲得;贏得;奪得;掙得;晾;說服;爭取過來;拉過來

gain v.獲得;得到;取得;增加某物的數量或比率;提高;改善;到達;逼近;接近;使…(轉而)支援自己的利益

常用 權威



1. 贏得商戰

win a trade war

2. 贏得同情

enlist one's sympathy

3. 贏得好感

win sb's favour

4. 贏得尊敬

win respect

5. 贏得主動

win initiative

6. 贏得好評

win the good opinion (of)

7. 贏得認可

win acknowledgement

8. 贏得顧客

win customers

9. 贏得榮譽

win an honour

10. 贏得時間

gain time; buy time

11. 贏得愛戴

win sb's love and esteem

12. 贏得信譽

win credit

13. 贏得面子

gain face

14. 贏得獎盃

win the cup

15. 贏得先機

take the preemptive opportunities

16. 贏得聲譽

attain reputation

17. 贏得值

earned value

18. 贏得優勢

win an advantage

19. 贏得恩寵

win sb's favour

20. 贏得聲望

win fame; acquire a reputation


1. 我昨天贏得了男子100米比賽!

I won the men's 100—metre race yesterday!

2. 我們改變了\贏得\爭論的本質。

We change the very nature of what it means to \win\ an argument.

3. 他很高興,因為他贏得了比賽。

He was happy because he won the race.

4. 一個老師幫助三個孩子贏得了決賽。

A teacher helped three kids win the final.

5. 裡克在過去幾年中贏得了五枚金牌。

Rick has won five gold medals in the last few years.

6. 自吹自擂不會給我們贏得幾個朋友。

Being boastful will win us few friends.

7. 人類將最終贏得與機器的競爭。

Man will finally win the race against machine.

8. 他在一屆冬奧會上贏得了三枚金牌。

He won three gold medals in one Winter Olympics.

9. 這些方法可以幫助你贏得每一場爭論。

These tools can help you win every argument.

10. 為自己贏得一個正式的少年騎警徽章!

Earn yourself an official Junior Ranger Badge!



動詞 win; gain

1. 她靠工作努力為自己贏得一席之地。

By her hard work she won a place for herself.

2. 贏得尊敬

win respect

3. 贏得主動

win initiative

4. 贏得支援

muster up/gain support (for)

5. 贏得勳章

win a medal

6. 贏得信任

win/gain/obtain sb's trust

7. 贏得先機

take the preemptive opportunities

8. 贏得同情

enlist one's sympathy

9. 贏得時間

gain time; buy time

10. 贏得勝利

carry off the palm; gain/win/score a victory

11. 贏得聲譽

attain reputation

12. 贏得榮譽

gain/reap/win laurels; win great honour

13. 贏得連任

win re-election; be/get re-elected a second term

14. 贏得好評

win the good opinion (of)

15. 贏得好名聲

win a good name/reputation

16. 贏得好感

gain favour with sb; get into sb's good graces

17. 贏得芳心

win the heart of a woman

18. 贏得獨立

gain/attain/win independence

19. 贏得稱讚

win/earn the plaudits

20. 贏得比賽/觀眾/喝彩/獎牌

win the match/audience/applause/medal

21. 贏得愛情

win sb's love; gain sb's affection
