修補的英文 修補用英語怎麼說?
mend v.修理;修補;給…添燃料;康復;痊癒;使(不快事態;尤指分歧)好轉
repair v.修理;修補;去;赴;修復;恢復;使重歸於好
revamp v.翻修;翻新
常用 權威
1. 修補漏洞
patch a leak
2. 腱膜修補術
3. 修補屋頂
patch the roof
4. 修補程式
patch a program
5. 修補堤岸
repair an embankment
6. 修補匠
7. 修補衣服
patch clothes
8. 修補舊鞋
renovate worn shoes
9. 修補樊籬
fix a fence
10. 修補程式
11. 幹修補活兒
do the mending
1. 我將在旅館內外做些小的修補。
I'll be doing some small repairs inside and outside the hotel.
2. 我們的身體知道如何治癒傷口或修補骨折。
Our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone.
3. 管道工正在修補管子上的漏洞。
The plumbers are seeing to the leak in the pipe.
4. 修補處幾乎看不出來。
The repair is barely visible.
5. 把你埋了電纜線的牆修補好。
Make good the wall where you have buried the cable.
6. 在修補過的地方刷了一層法國上光漆。
A coat of French polish was brushed over the repair.
7. 用塊補丁修補這衣服。
A patch was used to mend the garment.
8. 幾處修補做得非常完美以致難以看出木板曾損壞過。
The mends were so perfect you could not even tell the board had been damaged.
9. 修補漏針是做起來最慢的活之一。
The operation of taking up stitch…is one of the slowest.
10. 修補各種進口,國產發動機缸體。
Repair all kinds of imports, domestic engine block. Welcome!
修補 xiū bǔ (修補)
動詞 mend; repair; revamp
1. 修補處幾乎看不出來。
The repair is barely visible.
2. 幹修補活兒
do the mending
3. 修補照片
repair a picture/photo
4. 修補衣服
patch clothes
5. 修補屋頂
patch the roof
6. 修補破洞
repair a puncture; mend a hole
7. 修補兩國關係
mend relations between the two countries
8. 修補籬笆
mend/patch the fence
9. 修補舊鞋
renovate worn shoes
10. 修補處女膜
mend the hymen; recover/repair the maidenhead
11. 修補程式
patch a program
動詞 repair