信用的英文 信用用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-12



trustworthiness n.可信賴;確實性;可靠

credit n.信用;賒購能力;貸項;讚許;讚揚;學分時;可信性;信貸;學分

credibility n.可靠性;信用;可信性

honour n.尊敬;敬意;特殊榮譽;貞節;名譽;大牌;正直;氣節;光榮的人;榮耀

常用 權威



1. 信用卡

credit card

2. 守信用

keep a promise

3. 信用社

credit cooperative

4. 信用證

letter of credit (L/C)

5. 從屬信用證

secondary credit; subsidiary letter of credit (L/C)

6. 出口信用證

export letter of credit

7. 擔保信用證

standby letters of credit

8. 開立信用證

open a letter of credit

9. 商業信用

business/commercial credibility

10. 信用貸款

unsecured/fiduciary loan; loan on credit; credit

11. 信用膨脹

credit inflation/expansion

12. 信用形式

form of credit

13. 議付信用證

negotiation credit

14. 電子信用卡

electronic credit card

15. 承兌信用證

acceptance credit

16. 城鄉信用社

credit cooperatives serving both urban and rural areas

17. 開具信用證

establish a letter of credit

18. 勞務信用

service credit

19. 信用資本

credit capital;credit capital

20. 信用狀況

credit standing


1. 透過在收銀機中輸入信用卡號碼。

By typing the credit card number into the cash register.

2. 首先,他們說我的信用記錄不夠好。

For starters, they said my credit history was not good enough.

3. 人們可以在雜貨店使用信用卡付款。

People can use credit cards as payment at grocery stores.

4. 信用卡沒有以前那麼重要了。

Credit cards (信用卡) matter a lot less than before.

5. 打電話給信用卡公司確認。

By calling the credit card company for confirmation.

6. 孩子們可以選擇存錢或者用信用卡消費。

Children can choose to save their money or spend it using a card.

7. 我用信用卡付賬。

I'll pay with my credit card.

8. 我不再用我的信用卡,因為我發現我花錢太沒節制了。

I stopped using my credit card because I found I was spending excessively.

9. 您需要直接在我們的網站上更新您的信用卡詳細資訊。

You'll need to update your card details directly on our website.

10. 一開始,我們忙著玩樂,把所有費用都記在了我的信用卡上。

At first, we were busy having fun, and charged (支付) everything to my credit cards instead.








名詞 trustworthiness; credit; credibility; honour

1. 他信用太差,不易貸款。

His credit was too low to make borrowing easy.

2. 信用良好

have excellent credit

3. 信用可靠

reliable credit

4. 守信用的人

man of his word; man of honour

5. 守信用

keep a promise

6. 失去信用

lose credit/credibility

7. 沒有信用

be bare of credit; have no credit

8. 講信用

keep one's word; act in good faith; stand on one's honour

名詞 credit

1. 商業信用

business/commercial honour

2. 信用政策

credit policy

3. 信用狀況

credit standing

4. 信用機構

credit institution

5. 信用保證

credit guarantee

動詞 trust and appoint

1. 信用賢能

appoint people of virtue and talent; employ people of integrity and intelligence

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