扭曲的英文 扭曲用英語怎麼說?
contort v.歪曲;扭曲
distort v.扭曲;使變形;變形;曲解;歪曲;誤報;使(電訊號,聲波)畸變;使失真
twist v.使彎曲;扭彎;扭歪;扭曲;旋轉;轉動;跳扭擺舞;欺騙;欺詐;牌面朝上
warp v.彎曲;變形;用絞船索牽曳;把(紗)排列成經;整經淤灌;使不正常;使有偏見;被用絞船索牽曳
常用 權威
1. 扭曲變形
be twisted out of shape
2. 扭曲人性
distort human nature
3. 扭曲應力
torsional stress; twisting stress
4. 因痛苦而扭曲的面孔
face drawn with pain
1. 強調一個的話,其他的就扭曲了。
Emphasize one and the others become distorted.
2. 這會讓患者記憶扭曲。
It leaves the patient with a distorted memory.
3. 多麼扭曲的韌性啊!
What a distortion of resilience!
4. 作者認為,當前的集體主義表現出普遍扭曲
The author holds that the current collective doctrine shows generally distorted values.
5. 人們對適應力的扭曲看法可能是在他們的成長過程中形成的。
People's distorted view about resilience may have developed from their upbringing.
6. 他們可能會扭曲以同行評審為導向、以學術成就基礎的研究體系。
They could distort the achievement-based system of peer-review-led research.
7. 他的臉因痛苦而扭曲了。
His face contorted with pain. / His face was distorted with pain.
8. 管道因受熱而扭曲了。
The pipe was heated and distorted.
9. 你在扭曲他的原話。
You are twisting his words around. / You are twisting what he said.
10. 面部因扭曲而顯現的奇形怪狀。
Grotesque facial distortions.
扭曲(英文:distort),讀音為niǔ qū,漢語詞語,詞性為動詞,指的是把事實、形象等弄歪曲。例句有“這種方法典型地存在故意的扭曲,而我們卻不以為意”。“永遠扭曲別人善意的人,無藥可救”。 該詞語出現在徐遲《哥德巴赫猜想》:“有善意的誤解,無知的嘲諷,惡意的誹謗,熱情的支援,都可以使得這個人扭曲、變形、砸爛或擴張放大”。它的近義詞為歪曲,反義詞為筆直。
將畫素複製到畫筆區域。拖動以反射與描邊方向垂直的區域(描邊以左的區域)。按住 Alt 鍵 (Windows) 或 Option 鍵 (Mac OS) 並拖動,將映象描邊區域反方向的區域。通常,在凍結了要反射的區域後,按住 Alt 鍵或 Option 鍵並拖動可產生更好的效果。使用重疊描邊可建立類似於水中倒影的效果。
動詞 contort; distort; twist; warp
1. 他的臉因痛苦而扭曲了。
His face contorted with pain. / His face was distorted with pain.
2. 管道因受熱而扭曲了。
The pipe was heated and distorted.
3. 扭曲變形
be twisted out of shape
動詞 distort; twist
1. 你在扭曲他的原話。
You are twisting his words around. / You are twisting what he said.
2. 扭曲事實
distort the facts; twist the truth
3. 扭曲人性
distort human nature