吃貨的英文 吃貨用英語怎麼說?
good-for-nothing adj.沒用的
foodie n.美食家
gourmet n.美食品嚐家;美食家;美食家的;美食家標準的
chowhound n.愛吃的人
常用 權威
1. 作為一個真正的吃貨,我喜歡這裡各種各樣的傳統食物。
As a real foodie(吃貨), I enjoy all kinds of traditional food here.
2. 身為吃貨,容易感到幸福和滿足;
It's easy for a foodie like me to feel happy and satisfied;
3. 吃貨去哪兒去吃盱眙龍蝦最好?。
Where to eat food to eat Xuyi lobster the best?
4. 吃貨症末期,體重太重,錢包太輕!
Epicure in end stage: more fat and less money.
5. 他什麼工作都幹不了, 真是個吃貨.
He is able to do nothing, he really is a good - for - nothing.
6. 但我們真正應該認可的是他超級吃貨的身份。
But what we should really recognize Jefferson for is being a massive foodie.
7. 作為一枚吃貨,悠悠的大部分博文都和吃有關。
As a foodie, most of Youyou's posts are related to food.
8. 請接受我是個吃貨。
Take me for what I am.
9. 我的孩子們常常對我說我看起來顯然更像個吃貨。
My children usually tell me that one of those passions is a little more apparent than the other.
10. 吃貨一定儲備了很多吃的,吃貨身邊的人一定不會餓著;
I always have a lot of things to eat, so friends around me would never get hungry;
吃貨(英文:chowhound),拼音chi huo,是網路用語。屬於貶義詞,多指喜歡吃各種美食,並對美食有一種獨特的嚮往、追求和品位的美食愛好者,比喻光會吃不會做事的人。 吃貨的近義詞有飯桶、饞蟲、饞嘴。
名詞 good-for-nothing; sb who gets paid but does no useful work
名詞 foodie; gourmet; chowhound
動詞 stock (a shop) with goods; replenish one's stock
動詞 buy in stocks or futures