無窮的英文 無窮用英語怎麼說?
infinite adj.無限的;無窮的;無邊的;無法計量的;無數的;大量的;極度的;無窮大的
endless adj.無窮盡的;無止境的;無限的;無數的;不計其數的;兩端連線的;環狀的
boundless adj.無限的;無邊無際的;巨大的
inexhaustible adj.取之不盡的;用之不竭的
常用 權威
1. 無窮集
infinite set
2. 無窮大
infinitely great; infinite;infinity
3. 無窮小
infinitely small; infinitesimal
4. 無窮動
perpetuum mobile
5. 餘味無窮
leave a lasting and pleasant impression or aftertaste
6. 無窮乘積
infinite product
7. 無窮無盡
infinite; inexhaustible; endless; boundless; unfailing; know no limits/bounds
8. 力大無窮
mighty; of enormous strength
9. 禍患無窮
endless trouble
10. 貽害無窮
entail untold troubles; lead to endless troubles
11. 無窮的負擔
innumerable burdens
12. 意味無窮
be of unlimited interest
13. 變幻無窮
be ever-changing
14. 奧妙無窮
be extremely subtle
15. 後患無窮
bring endless trouble;no end of trouble for the future; endless trouble in store
16. 餘韻無窮
charm/appeal lingers on
17. 無窮的力量
inexhaustible power
18. 遺患無窮
leave endless disasters
19. 其樂無窮
one's pleasure knows no bounds
20. 回味無窮
the aftertaste lingers on; leave a lingering aftertaste; afford much food for thought
1. 不僅工作顯然是無窮無盡的,同事們也更難受到激勵。
Not only are the tasks apparently infinite, the co-workers are much harder to motivate.
2. 華山頂上賞日出,真是其樂無窮。
It is a great joy/delight to watch sunrise at the top of Mount Hua.
3. 畫面簡潔,氣韻無窮。
The general appearance of the painting is simple but its spirit is infinite.
4. 人腦具有無窮的潛力。
The potentialities of human brain are inexhaustible.
5. 禍根不除,後患無窮。
There would be endless trouble unless the source of disaster is uprooted/eradicated.
6. 與眾同樂,其樂無窮。
Joys shared with others are more enjoyed.
7. 結婚匆匆,後悔無窮。
Marry in haste, repent at leisure.
8. 這首小詩其味無窮。
The short poem gives the reader lasting pleasure.
9. 言有盡而意無窮。
There is an end to the words, but not to their message.
10. 慈善事業使兒童免於無窮的貧困。
The charity rescues children from unending poverty.
無窮(英文:infinite),讀音wú qióng,漢語詞語。釋義為無盡;無限。也指空間沒有邊際或盡頭;還指指時間沒有終結等。例句為“魯迅的文章內涵豐富,令人回味無窮。” 該詞語的近義詞有無盡、無限、無量;反義詞有有限。相關句子有楊朔《血書》:“也怪,就這樣―張紙,憑空可給他添了無窮的力量。”
形詞 infinite; endless; boundless; inexhaustible
1. 言有盡而意無窮。
There is an end to the words, but not to their message.
2. 其味無窮。
It tastes wonderful.
3. 具有無窮的潛力
have boundless potential
4. 無窮的力量
inexhaustible power
5. 無窮的精力
inexhaustible/boundless energy
6. 無窮的煩惱和憂慮
endless troubles and worries
7. 無窮的負擔
innumerable burdens
8. 其樂無窮
one's pleasure knows no bounds
9. 力大無窮
mighty; of enormous strength
10. 後患無窮
bring endless trouble