廟的英文 廟用英語怎麼說?
temple n.廟宇;寺院;聖堂;神殿;顳顬;顳部;太陽穴;鬢角;邊撐;伸幅器;(Temple)坦普爾
shrine n.聖壇;聖祠;神殿;聖地;神龕;神聖場所;神聖東西;聖骨匣;聖物箱
常用 權威
1. 倉頡廟
Cang Jie Temple
1. 她逢廟便拜。
She prostrates herself before Buddha in every temple she comes to.
2. 祭女灶神維斯太的廟。
A vestal temple.
3. 沉積下來的土慢慢湮沒了這個廟.
With the depositing soil, the temple was gradually buried.
4. 要不然跑得了和尚,跑不了廟啊。
The monk can run away, but he can run with the temple.
5. 那座廟是方頂、木窗,十分簡樸。
The monastery was square- roofed, austere, with barrack windows.
6. 在那座小有名氣的土山上有一座廟
There is a temple on that reasonable well - known earthen hill.
7. 他走進這座廟,內心充滿恐懼。
He went into the empty temple, full of fear.
8. 我們瞻謁那個廟完畢時,天已黑了.
It was dark when we had finished our visit to the temple.
9. 因此是廟朝的權資想要討好的物件。
And these judges were exactly the people that the Tang elite wanted to impress.
10. 它是新加坡最古老和最大的興都廟。
It is the oldest and largest Hindu temple in Singapore.
廟,miao,從廣、朝聲。會意。謂居之與朝廷同尊者。聲字葢衍。古文從苗為 形聲。 尊先祖皃也。尊其先祖而以是儀皃之。故曰 宗廟。 (1) (形聲。從廣( yǎn),朝聲。“廣”與建築物有關。本義:宗廟,供奉祭祀祖先的處所。 (2) 同本義 [temple] 古代本是供祀 祖宗的地方。那時,對廟的規模有嚴格的等級限制。 漢代以後,廟逐漸與原始的神社( 土地廟)混在一起,蛻變為 陰曹地府控轄江山河瀆、地望城池之神社。“人死曰鬼”,廟作為 祭鬼神的場所,還常用來 敕封、 追諡 文人 武士。隨著佛教的傳入,後代的佛教寺院也有廟字的俗稱。現代中國人,一般皆稱佛教之寺院為寺,如佛寺,而稱道教及民間宗教之建築為觀。然亦有人將佛教之寺院習稱為‘廟’。
名詞 temple; shrine
1. 嶽王廟
temple enshrining and worshiping Yue Fei(岳飛)[a famous general in the Southern Song Dynasty]
2. 山神廟
mountain god temple
3. 一座古廟
an ancient temple
名詞 royal/imperial court
名詞 posthumous title of an emperor
名詞 (temple) fair