下去的英文 下去用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-21



go down 下沉, 墜毀;被記錄, 被記住;被嚥下, 被吞下;引起某種反應;(完成學業後)離開大學(尤指牛津/劍橋);(非正式)被捕入獄

descend v.下降;落下;突襲;是…的後裔;墮落到;突然造訪;下;下斜;下傾;依次遞降

leave office 離任;離職

常用 權威



1. 瘦下去

get thinner and thinner

2. 把水喝下去

drink the water down

3. 爭吵下去

continue arguing

4. 繼續幹下去

keep on working

5. 紀律鬆懈下去

discipline slackened

6. 只好幹下去

have to go ahead

7. 把藥嚥下去

get the medicine down

8. 從山上下去

go down the mountain

9. 把研究搞下去

carry on the research

10. 從樓梯上摔下去

fall down the stairs

11. 把敵人火力壓下去

suppress the enemy's firepower

12. 把傳統繼承下去

carry on the tradition

13. 從舞臺上下去

go offstage

14. 把犯人押下去

take the convict away


1. 專注於負面情緒只會讓它繼續下去

Focusing on negativity just keeps it going.

2. 不過,堅持下去並不容易。

Persevering was not easy, though.

3. 沉下去,但浮在一個角度。

Sinks, but floats at an angle(角度).

4. 與苦難作鬥爭的勇氣使生命值得活下去

The courage to fight suffering renders life worth living.

5. 一個人必須適當地自律才能遵堅持下去

One must be duly self-disciplined to adhere to it.

6. 如果你採取的措施奏效了,那就堅持下去

If the steps you take are working, keep it up.

7. 你必須順著它滑下去

You have to slide down it.

8. 你應該記住,艱難的時光不會永遠持續下去

You should remember that hard times won't last forever.

9. 儘管有些人可能會忽略DNT訊號繼續按下去

Some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.

10. 它從木地板上掉了下去,顯然是再也找不到了。

It fell through the wooden floorboards, apparently lost forever.



詞目:下去 拼音:xià qù 英文:Down



動詞 go down; descend

1. 到站了,快下去。

Here we are. Let's get off at once.

2. 你能不能下去看看誰摁門鈴?

Would you mind going downstairs and seeing who's ringing the doorbell?

3. 水很深,你敢下去嗎?

Dare you go down into such deep water?

4. 從山上下去

go down the mountain

動詞 (of officials of higher ranks or positions) go down

1. 省長每年都要下去搞調查。

The governor goes down to the grass roots to make investigation every year.

動詞 leave office; step down/aside

1. 樂意下去以讓位於年輕人

be willing to step aside in favour of a younger person

動詞 go off the front, stage, court, etc

1. 這位籃球運動員受傷下去了。

The basketball player got injured and went off the court.

2. 從舞臺上下去

go offstage

動詞 get back to the normal state

1. 病人的燒下去了。

The patient's fever is down.

2. 她額頭上撞的包下去了。

The bump (she got) on her forehead has gone down.

3. 他的氣下去了嗎?

Is he still in a huff?

動詞 (of food) digest

1. 乳酪不易下去。

Cheese doesn't digest easily.

動詞 [used after a verb, indicating a motion away from a higher place to a lower one or from the near to the afar]

1. 太陽落下去了。

The sun went down.

2. 他順著坡滑了下去。

He slid down the slope.

3. 球從桌上滾了下去。

The ball rolled off the desk.

4. 洪水退下去了。

The flood has receded.

5. 從樓梯上摔下去

fall down the stairs

6. 把藥嚥下去

get the medicine down

7. 把水喝下去

drink the water down

8. 把犯人押下去

take the convict away

9. 把敵人火力壓下去

suppress the enemy's firepower

動詞 [used after a verb, indicating the continuation of an action]

1. 仗會一直打下去。

The fighting will continue.

2. 這場鬥爭會繼續下去。

The struggle will carry on.

3. 這樣下去他會墮落成為罪犯的。

If he goes on like this, he will degenerate into a criminal.

4. 再爭吵下去,對誰都沒有好處。

It is in nobody's interests to continue arguing.

5. 我將繼續研究下去。

I will continue my research.

6. 我不想再聽下去,但是她還在滔滔不絕地講。

I didn't want to hear any more but she kept on talking.

7. 她一陣哽咽,說不下去。

A fit of sobbing choked her words.

8. 請講下去。

Please carry on what you were saying.

9. 你再這樣下去,我就只好告訴經理了。

If you persist, I shall be forced to report to the manager.

10. 爭吵下去

continue arguing

11. 寫不下去

can't write on; can't carry on with one's writing

12. 繼續幹下去

keep on working

13. 堅持下去

stick it out; stick at/to it; hold on

14. 讀/聽下去

keep reading/listening

15. 把研究搞下去

carry on the research

16. 把傳統繼承下去

carry on the tradition

動詞 [used after an adjective, indicating an increasing degree]

1. 天氣可能還會冷下去。

It is likely to get colder and colder.

2. 選舉失敗後,她就消沉下去了。

She got increasingly despondent after her defeat in the election.

3. 紀律鬆懈下去

discipline slackened

4. 瘦下去

get thinner and thinner

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