語氣的英文 語氣用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-12-26



tone n.音調;語氣;音質;總體特性;風格;氣氛;全音;色調;肌肉的緊張性;(Tone)人名:託恩

mood n.心境;心情;情緒;精神狀態;語氣;三段論的式;三段論形式;氣氛;心情不好;生氣

常用 權威



1. 語氣詞

discourse marker

2. 語氣剛硬

tough tone

3. 語氣鄭重

speak in a solemn tone

4. 祈使語氣

imperative (mood)

5. 虛擬語氣

subjunctive mood

6. 語氣順和

speak in a peaceable tone

7. 語氣平和

an easy way of speaking;in a mild tone

8. 語氣舒緩

be mild in tone

9. 語氣堅定

speak in a firm voice

10. 語氣溫和

mild tone

11. 陳述語氣

indicative mood

12. 嚴肅的語氣

severe tone of voice

13. 急切的語氣

impatient tone

14. 婉和的語氣

mild tone

15. 說話語氣和婉

speak in a mild tone

16. 責怪的語氣

tone of reproach

17. 傲慢的語氣

haughty tone

18. 委婉的語氣

mild tone; moderate tone

19. 用和緩的語氣說話

speak in a mild tone


1. 你也應該記得說話時面帶微笑,並使用友好的語氣

You should also remember to smile as you speak, and use a friendly tone(語調).

2. 他答覆的語氣硬撅撅的,我接受不了。

He replied in a stiff voice, and I couldn’t bear it.

3. 他語氣中帶著威脅的口吻。

A tone of menace entered into his voice.

4. 別用那種語氣同我講話。

Don’t talk in that tone to me.

5. 他說話的語氣溫和謙恭。

He spoke in a mild and respectful tone.

6. 他批評的語氣很衝。

His criticism is harsh and blunt.

7. 他說了聲“很抱歉,“語氣平板。

I'm sorry,' he said, in a flat voice.

8. 語氣裡缺乏情感,讓人捉摸不定。

The tone was neutral, devoid of sentiment.

9. 他並未因她的語氣而感到非常難堪。

He was not noticeably discomfited by her tone.

10. 她語氣的變化使他感到寬慰。

He was relieved by her change of tone.



語氣(英文:tone),讀音yǔ qì,漢語詞語,指的是說話的口氣,也表示陳述、疑問、祈使、商榷、感嘆等各別的語法範疇。例句有“她說話的語氣非常柔和,令人有如沐春風之感”。 相關古文有“暫來關外分優寄,不稱賓筵語氣粗。”出自唐代盧發《酒令》,相關近義詞有口氣,反義詞有口吻。



名詞 tone; manner of speaking

1. 他語氣中帶著威脅的口吻。

A tone of menace entered into his voice.

2. 別用那種語氣同我講話。

Don't talk in that tone to me.

3. 責怪的語氣

tone of reproach

4. 傲慢的語氣

haughty tone

5. 語氣平和

an easy way of speaking

名詞 mood

1. 祈使/陳述/虛擬語氣

imperative/indicative/subjunctive mood

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