精明的英文 精明用英語怎麼說?
astute adj.精明的;敏銳的
shrewd adj.精明的;敏銳的;機靈的;寒冷刺骨的;凜冽的;尖銳的;沉重的;邪惡的;惡意的
smart adj.整潔的;衣著得體的;聰明的;迅速的;輕快的;漂亮的;時髦的;表面光亮的;新的
bright adj.明亮的;發亮光的;清晰嘹亮的;聰明的;機靈的;歡快的;充滿幸福的
sagacious adj.有洞察力的;有判斷能力的;敏銳的;顯示出聰慧的
sharp adj.鋒利的;尖利的;尖的;有突邊的;突然的;明顯的;偏高的
adroit adj.機智的;熟練的;靈巧的
常用 權威
1. 精明能幹
know one's business
2. 精明幹練
be bright and capable
3. 精明強幹
intelligent and capable;be intelligent and capable; be able and efficient
4. 精明強悍
intelligent and intrepid
5. 精明的領導
sagacious leader
6. 精明的對手
shrewd adversary
7. 精明的律師
adroit lawyer
8. 精明的商人
astute businessman; sharp trader
1. 精明地投資於利潤豐厚的行業。
Invest shrewdly in lucrative businesses.
2. 這傢伙精明得很,不會上你的當。
That guy is too shrewd to be fooled by you.
3. 他看起來傻乎乎的,實際上很精明。
Despite his seeming foolishness, he is actually very smart.
4. 湯姆幹這類事情挺精明的。
Tom was clever about such things.
5. 這個人看上去挺精明。
He is shrewd looking.
6. 他是個精明的傢伙。
He is a smart guy.
7. 他對錢是很精明的。
He was sharp about money.
8. 他很精明,避免與休·索恩利交往。
He had the cop-on to stay clear of Hugh Thornley.
9. 他們很精明,會避免任何公開對抗。
They were sagacious enough to avoid any outright confrontation.
10. 他太精明了,根本就不會中那圈套的。
He is too suss a character to fall into that trap.
【拼音】 jīng míng 【注音】ㄐㄧㄥ ㄇㄧㄥˊ 【英譯】[dexterous;honest;clear] 【詞性】 形容詞 【基本解釋】精幹聰明
形詞 astute; shrewd; smart; bright; sagacious; sharp; adroit
1. 這傢伙精明得很,不會上你的當。
That guy is too shrewd to be fooled by you.
2. 這個人看上去挺精明。
He is shrewd looking.
3. 湯姆幹這類事情挺精明的。
Tom was clever about such things.
4. 他對錢是很精明的。
He was sharp about money.
5. 精明而不高明
be shrewd but not wise; be penny-wise and pound-foolish
6. 精明之舉
astute/smart move
7. 精明的律師
adroit lawyer
8. 精明的商人
astute businessman; sharp trader
9. 精明的領導
sagacious leader
10. 精明的對手
shrewd adversary
11. 為人精明
be no fool; be a man of sagacity
12. 處事精明
play one's cards well/right