財寶的英文 財寶用英語怎麼說?
treasure n.財富;珠寶;珍品;可愛的人;難得的人
常用 權威
1. 劫掠財寶
plunder treasures
2. 搜尋財寶
hunt for (a) treasure
3. 發現財寶
find (a) treasure
1. 還有什麼金銀財寶沒有被發現?
What other treasures remain sight unseen?
2. 埋在地下的財寶。
[as adj. buried]buried treasure.
3. 他對這箱子財寶早已垂涎三尺了.
He has coveted this treasure chest for a long time.
4. 於是家中的財寶就這樣埋在地裡。
And family treasures stay in the ground.
5. 他將財寶埋了起來以免被人發現。
He buried the treasure to prevent its discovery.
6. 他們找到那批財寶,把它平分了。
They found the treasure and divided it up fifty-fifty ( on a fifty-fifty basis).
7. 彷彿看到金銀財寶正往口袋裡掉呢。
He could already see the gold and silver falling into his pockets.
8. 財寶是誰偷的直到現在還沒查出來。
Who stole the treasure hasn't been known till now.
9. 給我你一半的財寶,我便離開。
Give me half of thy treasure, and I will go away.
10. 如果你找到那批財寶,咱們就平分。
If you find the treasure we will go fifty-fifty.
名詞 money and valuables; treasure
1. 搜尋財寶
hunt for (a) treasure
2. 金銀財寶
gold, silver, treasures and jewels—riches
3. 積聚財寶
amass/accumulate treasures
4. 發現財寶
find (a) treasure