指著的英文 指著用英語怎麼說?
point n.尖;尖頭;尖端;標點;點;處;地方;位置;條;項;分;岬角;軌尖;道岔;防守位置;接觸點;尖兵隊;外部位;直竄位置;束衣帶;束帆繩;狗指方向的動作或姿勢;重要樂句;重要主題
常用 重點詞彙
1. 遊客們指著他,興奮地尖叫起來。
Visitors pointed to him and screamed excitedly.
2. \當然\,獅子指著河對岸說。
\Certainly\, said the lion, pointing across the river.
3. 喬往河看,看到一條死魚,就指著它。
Joe looked in the river, saw a dead fish and pointed at it.
4. 我看見妻子笑著指著她立在桌上的一枚硬幣。
I saw my wife smiling and pointing to a coin she had balanced on the table.
5. 當她指著靠近窗戶的角落時,她的聲音柔和而自信。
Her voice was soft but confident as she pointed to the corner near the windows.
6. 走了一小段路後,農夫停下腳步,指著我們錯過的一片雜草。
After a short way, the farmer stopped and pointed at a weed which we missed.
7. 小夥子們互相推搡並用手指指著我。
The lads were nudging each other and pointing at me.
8. 舞臺監督指著攝像機,開始了倒讀數。
The floor manager pointed at the camera and counted down.
9. 他用拇指指著他後面的人。
He thumbed towards the men behind him.
10. 他指責地用手指指著她。
He pointed an accusatory finger in her direction.