下圍棋的英文 下圍棋用英語怎麼說?
have a game of weiqi
play go
常用 重點詞彙
1. 249這次的任務是與浩軒下圍棋。
249 this task is with HaoXuan chess.
2. 我很喜歡下圍棋,也很喜歡下國際象棋.
I enjoy to play Go and like to play chess too.
3. 下圍棋有如指揮軍隊作戰.
Playing Weiqi is just like directing military operations.
4. 我喜歡和我的兒子下圍棋。
I like to play Chinese Chess(I-Go) with my son.
5. 讓電腦下圍棋也是一樣。
The same is true for Go. %26quot;
6. 我爺爺喜歡下圍棋。
My grandfather likes to play checkers .
7. 下圍棋需要智慧。
Playing go demands our wisdom.
8. 納什正在下圍棋, 圍棋是一個源自亞洲的古老遊戲.
He was playing Go, an ancient Asian game.
9. 最近我偶在學習下圍棋.發現這是項很有意思的遊戲.
I`ve been learning to play Go recently. It`s an amazing game!
10. 研究表明,小學生經常下圍棋,有益於人格健康發展。
The research indicated that if the pupils always played GO, it would be beneficial to their healthy development of personality.
have a game of weiqi; play go