啟發的英文 啟發用英語怎麼說?
arouse v.喚起;激起;喚醒;燃起…怒氣;煽起…強烈情感;激起…性慾
inspire v.激勵;激發;鼓舞;吸;吸入;引起;導致;喚起;以(正面感情)鼓舞;使產生
常用 權威
1. 啟發式
elicitation/heuristic method (of teaching)
2. 啟發性報告
enlightening lecture
3. 啟發思維
develop the mind
4. 啟發誘導
enlighten and persuade
5. 啟發學生
enlighten a student
6. 用啟發的方式講課
teach with the elicitation method
1. 最後一句話最有啟發性。
That last statement was the most instructive.
2. 我受到啟發,想以他為原型寫一個武俠故事。
I was inspired (受啟發) to write a wuxia story based on (以……為根據) him.
3. 對這些社群進行再投資,對許多其他地方肯定會有啟發
In order to reinvest in those communities will sure be inspirational to many other places.
4. 這種現象通常被稱為馬太效應,受到《聖經》智慧的啟發。
The phenomenon is often referred to as the Matthew effect, inspired by the Bible's wisdom.
5. 不管作者是誰,這首詩似乎是受到了一件真實事件的啟發。
Regardless of the author, it seems that the poem was inspired by a real event.
6. 去年,漢娜在人生的絕望時期受到啟發,建立了這個應用程式。
Hannah was inspired(啟發) to create the app during a dark time in her life last year.
7. 老教授的講話給了我們很多啟發。
The old professor’s remarks greatly inspired us.
8. 這篇文章很有啟發性。
This article is most enlightening.
9. 教育能啟發智力。
Education can develop the mind.
10. 比較兩個專案很有啟發性。
It is instructive to compare the two projects.
啟發(英文:arouse),讀音qǐ fā,漢語詞語,指的是開導其心,使之領悟;也指闡明、發揮;還指掀開覆蓋物,使暴露在外。例句有“看了這部愛國主義教育的影片,他受到很大啟發”。 相關古文有“子曰:‘不憤不啟,不悱不發。’”出自語本《論語·述而》,相關近義詞有啟蒙、開墾、發動,反義詞有矇蔽、誤導、股東。
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動詞 arouse; inspire; enlighten (sb on sth)
1. 這篇文章很有啟發性。
This article is most enlightening.
2. 老教授的講話給了我們很多啟發。
The old professor's remarks greatly inspired us.
3. 教育能啟發智力。
Education can develop the mind.
4. 用啟發的方式講課
teach with the elicitation method
5. 從中得到啟發
gain enlightenment from; derive inspiration from
6. 啟發性報告
enlightening lecture
7. 啟發誘導
enlighten and persuade
8. 啟發思維
develop the mind
9. 啟發群眾的積極性
arouse the enthusiasm of the masses