抄的英文 抄用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-12


copy n.仿製品;複製品;複製;副本;本;份;張;原稿;手稿;稿件

transcribe v.將(思想;言語)整理成文字;列印;將(外文字母的音)用本國字母拼出;整理;改編;轉錄

duplicate adj.完全一樣的;複製的;成對的;二重的;雙倍的

lift v.抬起;舉起;拿起來放到…;振奮精神;鼓勵;鼓舞;解除;偷;順手牽羊;空運

plagiarize v.剽竊;抄襲

pirate n.海盜;盜版者;侵犯版權者;侵犯專利權者;非法無線電節目廣播者

cut corners 走捷徑

常用 權威



1. 硬麵抄

hardcover notebook

2. 抄藥方

copy a prescription

3. 抄稿子

copy a manuscript

4. 走抄道

take a shortcut

5. 天下文章一大抄

all writings under heaven are nothing but copies of each other—there is nothing new


1. 他經常問我是否會讓他我的作業。

He often asks me whether I'll let him copy my homework.

2. 之前歐洲的書都是手工的,所以很貴。

Before that, books in Europe were copied by hand, so they were very expensive.

3. 他經常想我的作業。

He often wants to copy my homework.

4. 偏路走,避開市中心擁擠的交通。

Take the bypass to avoid the downtown traffic.

5. 請兩份,一份上報,一份留作底冊。

Make two copies, one for the leadership, the other to be kept on file.

6. 他著手站在一邊,一點兒忙也不願幫。

He stood by with folded arms, unwilling to offer any help.

7. 警察了他的身,但沒在他身上發現武器。

The police searched him but found no weapon on him.

8. 我把這篇短文了兩遍。

I made two copies of this passage.

9. 他們了條僻靜小道。

They took a shortcut down the back roads.

10. 他這篇文章肯定是從一本書上來的,我以前在哪兒見過。

His article must have been taken from a book; I have seen it somewhere before.





動詞 copy; transcribe; duplicate

1. 我把這篇短文抄了兩遍。

I made two copies of this passage.

2. 抄原文

transcribe the original text; make a transcription of the original

3. 抄書

copy (from) a book

4. 抄電錶

check/read electricity meter

5. 抄筆記/稿子/檔案

copy/transcribe notes/drafts/documents; make a copy of the notes/drafts/documents

動詞 lift; plagiarize; copy (sth from); pirate

1. 他這篇文章肯定是從一本書上抄來的,我以前在哪兒見過。

His article must have been taken from a book; I have seen it somewhere before.

2. 抄他人觀點

plagiarize/lift/copy other people's ideas

3. 抄別人的答案

copy others'answers; crib answers off/from others

動詞 search for and confiscate; make a raid upon

1. 抄犯罪窩點

raid and destroy the criminals'dens and confiscate the criminal evidence

2. 抄家產

confiscate sb's property

動詞 take a shortcut; cut corners; cut a corner

1. 這是精密度很高的活兒,抄近道是不行的。

This is high-precision work and it won't do to cut corners.

2. 她比我機靈,抄近道先到了。

She outsmarted me and got there first by taking a shorter route.

3. 他們抄了條僻靜小道。

They took a shortcut down the back roads.

4. 抄偏路走,避開市中心擁擠的交通。

Take the bypass to avoid the downtown traffic.

動詞 fold (one's arms)

1. 他抄著手站在一邊,一點兒忙也不願幫。

He stood by with folded arms, unwilling to offer any help.

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