空餘的英文 空餘用英語怎麼說?
free adj.不受他人控制的;自由的;無拘無束的;身體自由不受限制的;未固定的;不受阻礙的;有空的;空閒的;不受(特定之事;尤指令人不快之事)控制的;不收費的;免費提供的;出手大方的;大手大腳的;浪費的;不拘泥於嚴格格式的;順的
vacant adj.未被佔用的;茫然的;空(著)的;空缺的;空虛的;失神的
spare adj.多餘的;瘦削的;簡潔;暫時空閒的
unoccupied adj.未被佔用的;無人住的
free time 餘暇, 空閒時間, 業餘時間
leisure n.空閒;閒暇;休閒;可供支配的時間
常用 權威
1. 空餘樓層
unoccupied floor
2. 空餘時間
free time; spare time
3. 空餘房間
vacant room
4. 空餘座位
unoccupied seats
5. 空餘人手
extra hands
1. 但根據我的經驗,用這樣的方法來擠出空餘的30分鐘並不管用。
But in my experience, using such methods to free up the odd 30 minutes doesn't work.
2. 他一天到晚忙,一點兒空餘也沒有。
He was busy all day long and had not a moment’s leisure.
3. 一點兒空餘的地方都騰不出來。
There is not an inch of room to spare.
4. 你有五分鐘空餘時間時,我能跟你說句話嗎?
When you've got an odd five minutes, could I have a word?
5. 想要有空餘時間, 就不要浪費時間。
Want to have free time, don't waste time.
6. 他談笑風生,消磨無聊的空餘時間。
He talks and laughs away his vacant hours.
7. 你們8月中旬有空餘的房間嗎?
Do you have any rooms free in the middle of August?
8. 其它的智力興趣可以填補空餘時間.
Other intellectual interests can fill the unscheduled time.
9. 你在空餘時間裡有沒有從事第二職業?
Do you take on any part - time work in your leisure time?
10. 他把空餘時間都花在學習上。
He spends his free time studying.
形詞 free; vacant; spare; unoccupied
1. 空餘座位
unoccupied seats
2. 空餘時間
free time; spare time
3. 空餘人手
extra hands
4. 空餘樓層
unoccupied floor
5. 空餘房間
vacant room
名詞 free time; leisure
1. 他一天到晚忙,一點兒空餘也沒有。
He was busy all day long and had not a moment's leisure.