如釋重負的英文 如釋重負用英語怎麼說?
as if relieved of a heavy burden/load—feel a sense of relief; feel greatly/very much relieved; heave a sigh of relief like a load coming off one's mind
常用 權威
1. 這位\如釋重負\的顧客在週三拿回了她的支票。
The \relieved\ customer was reunited with her check on Wednesday.
2. 我如釋重負,倍感輕鬆。
That’s a great weight off my mind.
3. 消防隊員如釋重負。
There is a great sense of relief among the firefighters.
4. 他如釋重負地長長地呼了一口氣。
He let his breath out in a long exhalation of relief.
5. 他突然變得高興起來,差點兒如釋重負地哭出來。
Suddenly his heart lifted and he could have wept with relief.
6. 他這幾天看上去輕鬆了一些,雖然還談不上如釋重負。
He's looking a little more relaxed these days, though he's not demob-happy quite yet.
7. “你問完了?”我如釋重負地問道。
Are you finished?\ I asked in relief.\
8. 我還了抵押借款,如釋重負.
Paying my mortgage was an enormous weight off my mind!
9. 一聽到訊息, 他如釋重負地鬆了口氣.
Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief.
10. 國王陛下,我樂意之至。奈德如釋重負。
Gladly, Your Grace, Ned said with vast relief.
【注音】rú shì zhòng fù 【釋義】釋:放下;重負:重擔。像放下重擔那樣。形容緊張心情過去以後的輕鬆愉快。 【出處】《煖梁傳·昭公二十九年》:“昭公出奔;民如釋重負。” 【用法】形容擺脫了繁重事務或消除緊張心情後感到輕鬆愉快。一般作謂語、賓語、狀語。 【結構】動賓式 【近義詞】輕裝上陣,輕鬆自如 【反義詞】重任在肩,泰山壓頂 【同韻詞】守株待兔、虐人害物、探囊取物、身先朝露、聲振林木、愛莫能助、捷徑窘步、娛耳悅目、無好無惡、膏粱紈袴
null詞 as if relieved of a heavy burden/load—feel a sense of relief; feel greatly/very much relieved; heave a sigh of relief like a load coming off one's mind
1. 我如釋重負,倍感輕鬆。
That's a great weight off my mind.
2. 消防隊員如釋重負。
There is a great sense of relief among the firefighters.