又累又餓的英文 又累又餓用英語怎麼說?
be tired and hungry
1. 當晚餐終於吃完時,亨利又累又餓。
When dinner was finally finished, Henry was tired and hungry .
2. 我現在又累又餓,而且還頭疼。
I am now tired and extremely hungry — with a headache into the bargain.
3. 我們又累又餓地到達了目的地。
We arrived at our destination tired and hungry.
4. 艾德·史塔克渾身痠痛,又累又餓,
Eddard Stark rode through the towering bronze doors of the Red Keep sore, tired, hungry, and irritable.
5. 她現在又溼又難過又累又餓。
She was wet and sad and tired and hungry.
6. 這可憐的鳥又冷又累又餓。
The poor bird was cold, tired and hungry.
7. 湯姆:也許你是又
Tom: Maybe you are tired and hungry.
8. 這孩子看起來又累又餓, 可憐的小傢伙!
The child looks worn-out and very hungry, poor little thing!
9. 最終他完成了任務,感覺又累又餓。(結果)
Finally he finished the task, exhausted and hungry.
10. 她趕到學校了...她到達時又累又餓,但是卻心意堅決。
She arrived... She arrived tired and hungry, but determined.