濃密的英文 濃密用英語怎麼說?
thick adj.厚的;密的;茂密的;密集的;黏稠的;不自由流動的;愚鈍的;笨的;濁的;沙啞的;親密無間的;交情厚的
常用 權威
1. 頭髮濃密
have thick hair
2. 濃密的枝葉
thick foliage
1. 馬特和馬丁都有濃密的黑髮。
Both Matt and Martin have thick and dark hair.
2. 濃密的草和樹木和熱風很容易使火災發生。
Thick grass and trees and hot winds can easily make fires happen.
3. Cinyee為 \白露 \選擇了一隻浣熊,一種有濃密毛髮的小動物。
For White Dew, Cinyee chose a raccoon—a small animal with thick hair.
4. 濃密的黑髮襯托著她的臉龐。
A dense mass of black hair framed her face.
5. 她濃密的頭髮映著燈光閃閃發亮。
Her thick hair flamed against the light.
6. 濃密,光亮而又易梳理的頭髮。
Thick, glossy, manageable hair.
7. 他胸口覆蓋著濃密的金色軟毛。
His chest was covered by a thick mat of soft fair hair.
8. 調整配方可以使頭髮變得濃密。
Restructuring formulations help to add body.
9. 他長有一頭濃密的硬直頭髮。
He had a thick crop of wiry hair.
10. 低地上到處生長著濃密的灌木類植被。
The lowland country was covered by thick bush.
拼音:nóng mì 反義詞:稀疏 英文翻譯: dense; thick a dense forest 濃密的森林 proper distribution (of trees in painting) 濃密相宜
形詞 (of tree twigs, smoke, hair, beard, etc) dense; thick
1. 一頭濃密的頭髮
a mop of bushy hair; a head of thick hair
2. 濃密的枝葉
thick foliage
3. 濃密的鬍子
bushy/thick beard
4. 頭髮濃密
have thick hair