泡澡的英文 泡澡用英語怎麼說?
take a soaking bath
常用 權威
1. 小時候泡澡是我的一項娛樂。
JOHN: I hated taking baths when I was a kid.
2. 你父親在泡澡時心臟病發,溺水身亡。
Your father had a heart attack in the bathtub, and he drowned.
3. 阿基米德在泡澡時靈感迸發。
Archimedes had his eureka moment in the bath.
4. 你通常是淋浴還是泡澡?。
Do you usually take showers or baths?
5. 我都不知道他泡澡的事情。
I didn't even know he took baths.
6. 我喜歡洗熱水澡或泡澡。
I like to take a hot shower or bath.
7. 我知道你是新手,但這不合乎泡澡的禮儀。
I know that you're new at this, but this is completely unacceptable bath decorum.
8. 人們在死海岸邊附近的溫泉裡泡澡,以色列。
Israelis bathe in hot springs on the shore of the Dead Sea near Ein Gedi.
9. 秋冬泡澡最佳選擇是牛奶浴或者是玫瑰保溼浴。
Bath is the best choice for fall and winter milk bath or a rose moisturizing bath.
10. 用來泡澡可紓解風溼痛,對泌尿系統亦有抗菌效果.
Used in bath water , it relieves rheumatalgia and has antiseptic action to urinary system.
泡澡(拼音:pàozǎo,英語:sit in the bath),把身體浸泡於水中的一種洗澡方式。根據人的生理狀況,40℃是一個重要界限,37℃到39℃左右的水溫,對於皮膚的刺激較少,此時副交感神經會發揮使身心放鬆的作用。泡澡時可以挑選含有維生素、礦物質、精油等新增成分的浴鹽。
動詞 take a soaking bath
1. 泡個熱水澡
have a hot bath
2. 好好泡個澡
have a long soak in a bath