精力旺盛的英文 精力旺盛用英語怎麼說?
verdure n.青蔥的草木;青翠;青蔥;新鮮
vigorousness n.朝氣蓬勃; 強有力
full of beans 精力充沛的;興高采烈的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他精力旺盛,同年輕人相比有過之無不及。
He is even more energetic than young people.
2. 咖啡使我早晨精力旺盛。
Coffee gives me an energy boost in the morning.
3. 精力旺盛地在義大利四處遊玩的企業家們。
Entrepreneurial types bopping around Italy.
4. 他精力旺盛,能做三個人的工作。
He was energetic enough to do the work of three men.
5. 人人都能認出精力旺盛的柏勒洛豐,
Everybody would recognise the energetic Bellerophon.
6. 他的兒子是個精力旺盛的孩子。
His son is an energetic child.
7. 士兵們甚至比愷撒本人還要精力旺盛
The soldiers were even more enthusiastic than Caesar himself.
8. 難怪你總是這麼年輕,而且精力旺盛。
No wonder you're always youthful and energetic.
9. 他們要你每時每刻精力旺盛.
They want you to be bursting with energy all the time.
10. 他們通常精力旺盛,非常健談,喜歡鑽。
They are usually energetic, very talkative, like spliting over things.
verdure; vigorousness; full of prunes; full of go; full of beans