多種的英文 多種用英語怎麼說?
various adj.不同的;各種各樣的;有差異的;有不同特性的
multifarious adj.種類繁多的;由不同的部分(或方面)形成的
diverse adj.多樣的;相異的
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 多種維生素
2. 多種形式
diverse/various forms
3. 多種多樣
manifold; varied; many and various
4. 多種抗藥性
multiple resistance
5. 許多種魚
a variety of fishes
6. 多種經營
diversified business/economy; multiple operation
7. 多種經濟成分
diversified economic sectors; diverse sectors of the economy
8. 多種所有制經濟
economy consisting of different types of ownership; economic sectors under diversified ownership
9. 開展多種經營
promote a diversified economy
10. 多種所有制形式
diverse/multiple forms of ownership
11. 多種貨幣儲備制度
multi-currency reserve system
1. 目前,世界各地分佈著兩千多種蟬。
At present, over two thousand kinds of cicadas are distributed (分佈) around the world.
2. 他們在國內說300多種語言。
They speak over 300 languages at home.
3. 但是工作壓力有很多種形式。
But work stress can take many different forms.
4. 他們還從事著1000多種不同的職業。
They also work in more than 1,000 different occupations.
5. 一百多種茶葉排成一行擺在一張長桌上。
Over a hundred kinds of tea are laid out in a line on a long table.
6. 世界上有60多種水虎魚。
There are more than 60 kinds of Piranha fish.
7. 有許多種烹飪魚的方法。
There are many common methods used to cook fish.
8. 訓練中採用了多種方法。
Diverse methods were adopted during training.
9. 熱帶島嶼新幾內亞是900多種語言的家園。
The tropical island of New Guinea is home to over 900 languages.
10. 歷史上來說,科學家反對共享出於多種原因。
Historically, scientists have objected to sharing for many reasons.
形詞 various; multifarious; diverse; of many kinds
1. 我們的對外開放採取多種形式。
We have implemented the policy of opening China to the outside world in many ways.
2. 多種貨幣儲備制度
multi-currency reserve system
various; multifarious; diverse; of many kinds