喜歡做的英文 喜歡做用英語怎麼說?
like to do sth
常用 重點詞彙
1. 比起教小學生,她更喜歡做冰淇淋生意。
She loved the ice-cream business more than teaching primary school.
2. 我不喜歡做這個,然而我得賺錢餬口。
I hate doing this, but I need the bread.
3. 洗碟子是個苦差事,我不喜歡做.
Washing the dishes is a task I do not enjoy.
4. 透過做一些你喜歡做的事來減壓。
Reduce stress by doing something you love.
5. 為什麼我喜歡做一些浪費時間的事
I'm like why commit it's just a waste of time
6. 她喜歡做什麼?她喜歡烹飪和吃。
What does she like doing?She likes cooking and eating.
7. 我只不過想做我喜歡做的事而已。
I merely like to do the things I like.
8. 這是王叔叔。王叔叔喜歡做東西。
This is Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang likes making things.
9. 你喜歡做什麼?我喜歡騎滑板車。
What do you like doing? I like riding my scooter .
10. 例子)我最喜歡做指揮棒的回答.
I love t h at I do an answer of a baton.
like to do sth