擊退的英文 擊退用英語怎麼說?
repel v.擊退;趕走;驅逐;使反感;使厭惡;拒絕接受;排斥;與…不融合;抗;抵禦
repulse v.擊退;趕走;使反感;使厭惡;堅拒;回絕;拒絕接受
常用 權威
1. 擊退圍剿
repel encirclement and suppression
2. 擊退進攻
beat off an attack
3. 擊退反撲
repulse the counterattacks
4. 擊退侵略
repel an invasion
5. 擊退猖狂的敵人
defeat the savage enemy
1. 我們擊退了一支進攻的敵軍。
We drove off an attacking enemy contingent.
2. 這次襲擊很快就被擊退了。
The raid was swiftly repulsed.
3. 政府軍試圖擊退叛軍。
Government units sought to repel the rebels.
4. 暴亂分子試圖攻下內政部大樓但被警察擊退。
Rioters tried to storm Interior Ministry buildings but were repulsed by police.
5. 德蒙福爾的軍隊重新集合,把國王的步兵擊退。
De Montfort's troops rallied and drove back the king's infantry.
6. 所有轟炸都被擊退,但損失很大。
All the bombing attacks were fought off with heavy loss.
7. 政府出動步兵團擊退了游擊隊員.
The government drove the guerrillas off using infantry.
8. 我們深信能擊退堵截我們的敵軍.
We were confident that we could roll back the enemy forces that barred out way.
9. 這更激發了她擊退病魔的決心。
This galvanized her resolve to fight off the disease.
10. 這些是通常擊退傳染和細菌的細胞。
These are the cells that normally fight off infection and germs.
動詞 beat back/off; repel; repulse
1. 這次襲擊很快就被擊退了。
The raid was swiftly repulsed.
2. 我們擊退了一支進攻的敵軍。
We drove off an attacking enemy contingent.
3. 擊退圍剿
repel encirclement and suppression
4. 擊退侵略者
fight off invaders/aggressors
5. 擊退進攻
beat off an attack
6. 擊退反撲
repulse the counterattacks
7. 擊退敵人
repulse/repel the enemy