闡述的英文 闡述用英語怎麼說?
expound v.詳述;闡述;說明;講解;解釋(文學作品;教義作品)的意思
elaborate adj.精巧的;複雜的;詳盡的;精心設計的;煞費苦心的
set forth 開始旅行;啟程
常用 權威
1. 充分闡述
state in detail; adequately expound
2. 闡述問題
expound a subject
3. 闡述規律
expound the laws
4. 簡要闡述
briefly explain
5. 闡述計劃
set forth a plan
1. 她繼續清楚地闡述自己的觀點。
Driving her point home, she continued.
2. 卡雷姆的著作系統地闡述了烹飪的基本原理。
Careme's writings dealt with fundamental cooking principles in a systematic way.
3. 我想闡述我的推理。
I'd like to lay out my reasoning.
4. 他把論點闡述得很透徹。
He argued his thesis well.
5. 現在我們要從理論上進行實際而深刻的闡述。
Now we need to give a realistic and in-depth explanation from a theoretical perspective.
6. 因篇幅所限,此處不便對本題作進一步的闡述。
Lack of space disallows further treatment of the topic here.
7. 他們對國際形勢的闡述可能是正確的。
Their read on the national situation may be correct.
8. 試圖闡述犯罪與經濟因素之間的關係。
Attempting to explicate the relationship between crime and economic forces.
9. 部長就政府的提案作了進一步的闡述。
The minister expanded on the government's proposals.
10. 他在闡述一個有力的論點。
He was expounding a powerful argument.
動詞 expound; elaborate; set forth
1. 因篇幅所限,此處不便對本題作進一步的闡述。
Lack of space disallows further treatment of the topic here.
2. 現在我們要從理論上進行實際而深刻的闡述。
Now we need to give a realistic and in-depth explanation from a theoretical perspective.
3. 詳加闡述
give a detailed explanation (about sth)
4. 簡要闡述
briefly explain
5. 充分闡述
state in detail; adequately expound
6. 闡述問題
expound a subject
7. 闡述事實
set forth/elaborate on/state the facts
8. 闡述立場
expound one's stand; set forth one's position
9. 闡述理由/原因
set out/set forth/explain one's reasons
10. 闡述理論
set forth/explicate/expound/formulate a theory; elaborate on a theory
11. 闡述計劃
set forth a plan
12. 闡述規律
expound the laws
13. 闡述觀點/見解/看法
set forth/expound/enunciate one's views