小動物的英文 小動物用英語怎麼說?
toy n.玩具;小種狗;玩物;玩偶
kid n.小孩;年輕人;小山羊;小木桶;小山羊皮
animalcule n.小動物
kitten n.幼貓;一種灰白色舟蛾;幼崽
beastie n.小生靈;小動物;小蟲;車輛
puppy n.小狗;幼犬;自負(或傲慢)的年輕人
常用 重點詞彙
1. 人類嬰兒和小動物之間的相似之處。
Similarities between human babies and baby animals.
2. 他們的食物主要是小動物
Their food mainly consists of small animals and fish.
3. Cinyee為 \白露 \選擇了一隻浣熊,一種有濃密毛髮的小動物。
For White Dew, Cinyee chose a raccoon—a small animal with thick hair.
4. 狼是哺乳類小動物的主要捕食者。
Wolves are major predators of small mammals.
5. 金花鼠是像松鼠一樣的小動物。
The chipmunks were little squirrelly things.
6. 對習慣於我們在英國常見的小動物的人來說,這多少是有點令人吃驚的。
For someone used to the tiny creatures we get in England it was something of a shock.
7. 他們耕種,捕魚並且獵殺小動物。
They farmed, fished and hunted small animals.
8. 那些小動物住在一個秘密藏身處。
The little animals live in a secret hiding-place.
9. 這隻小動物有一雙淡褐色的眼睛.
This small animal has a pair of hazel eyes.
10. 健康的小動物小產是不尋常的事.
It is uncommon for healthy animals to cast their young.
toy; kid; animalcule; kitten; beastie; puppy