列出的英文 列出用英語怎麼說?
list n.表;一覽表;清單;圍欄;鑲邊;傾側;渴望;喜好
listed adj.列入文物保護建築名錄的;倫敦股票交易所主機板市場的
1. 按重要性順序列出即將到來的任務。
List upcoming tasks in order of importance.
2. 列出玩電腦遊戲的一些缺點。
List some disadvantages of playing computer games.
3. 提前列出事情的列表。
Making a list of things ahead.
4. 自然,為了回應這些夢想,我列出了所有崇高的工作。
Naturally, in response to these dreams, I listed all of the noble jobs.
5. 請列出兩個讓安德烈婭對\老太太\產生懷疑的細節。
Please list two details that make Andrea doubt about the \old lady\.
6. 你也可以搜尋難發音的單詞和名字,並把它們列出來。
You can also search for difficult-to-pronounce words and names and make a list of them.
7. 林的目光順著告示牌往下看,上面列出了所有提供的課程。
Lin's eyes moved down the notice board that listed all the courses on offer.
8. 以上列出的事實只是5G將成為可能和變得普及的一部分。
The facts listed above are only a part of what 5G will make possible and popular.
9. 把你想買的東西列出來。
Make a list of/List the things you want to buy.
10. 他列出的數字有些值得商榷,但有些是完全弄錯了。
Some of his figures are questionable, but some are plainly wrong.